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  1. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    How about misting the soil directly and not as much the plant? My friend was emphasizing light waterings I guess
  2. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Oh really? I'm curious when should I have stopped misting? Thanks again!
  3. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Soil temps are around 70-74, the temp on the light is super low it's only about 110 I can lay my hand right on it all day long. Didn't know I could have the light right on top of them, or on for 24 hrs straight. I have a fan for circulation and I ordered an inline fan/filter combo it should be...
  4. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Hey that's a great idea thank you, definitely helps a lot
  5. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Yea you're probably right
  6. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    The smallest one is 2 weeks from when I started germinating, hardly any growth to speak of
  7. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Yea I know, I'm just trying not to give up on this little one lol. Limited space, plus 100% success on my first attempt would have been great ha
  8. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Where's this at? I'm having a hard time finding the rocks, mainly flour everywhere
  9. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    The smallest one isn't doing good, looks like it's damping off but I don't see how with the soil so dry. I started pouring water in the sides today instead of misting. And I tried watering the straggler the same today as the other 2, just to see if it might help. Should I try tying it to a...
  10. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    The smallest one isn't doing good, looks like it's damping off but I don't see how with the soil so dry. I started pouring water in the sides today instead of misting. And I tried watering the straggler the same today as the other 2, just to see if it might help. Should I try tying it to a...
  11. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Thanks I hear you, I had them off for a few days but the dang humidity has been so low in there it worried me. I'm gonna try it again for a while, it looks like my smallest one might be damping off but I can't see how with the soil being so dusty dry practically
  12. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Maybe I missed it, what do you guys use for cover crops usually?
  13. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Haha cool thank you, same here
  14. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Closer than 2 ft huh? I'll try it thank you, what do you recommend? It was actually at 3 ft yesterday so I'm making progress lol
  15. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Cool thank you, the one that hasn't started shooting up yet looks darker and worse today
  16. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Cool I should be right on track then with my little ones
  17. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Good ideas, thank you very much for the info! I'm thinking now what I can use to substitute in the meantime. I may just go out and buy a standard humidifier today if I don't need anything special, I've been looking for recommendations but haven't found much.
  18. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    After a while I believe the option disappears
  19. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Just wondering if there's anything else I can tweak to help these suckers go. This a little over a week in, my heat was out for 3 days so understandably my progress has been slowed to a crawl. Everything survived though thankfully. 1 of them sprouted straight up and out the surface of the soil...