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  1. BIONICchronic42

    Cloning Ferminize Blueberry 1month old

    Well I hope my clone lives because it was just the top i cliped so i can get 2 cola's or i might get 4 cola's on my blueberry same with my Afghanica 4 cola's.
  2. BIONICchronic42

    HOMEMADE REFLECTOR 4 a 400watt hps

    YEa check out my posts on my plants with this reflector and the 400 watt hps and some cfls. BIONICchronic reflector cost= $0.0000 dollars and 2 hours of work at the most with everything hanging and bending and cuting.
  3. BIONICchronic42

    HOMEMADE REFLECTOR 4 a 400watt hps

    Yea i was planning to do somthing else. And then all the cuts i did went into somthing else and it work perfect to me so i think im all good. Thx BIONICchronic
  4. BIONICchronic42

    3 Weeks Flowering and Still No Hairs

    Yo man i got plants that are 35 days old and are showing sex i had a plant show its male sex in 25 days. I was 18-6 lighting. Blueberry , Bubbleiousious, Afghanica all 3 have shown sex and blueberry is a ferminized seed. about 12" tall 1" to 1/2" a day
  5. BIONICchronic42

    HOMEMADE REFLECTOR 4 a 400watt hps

    If u need one made ill make them 4 you.. HIT ME UP
  6. BIONICchronic42

    1first Grow Afghanica,Blueberry, and bubbleicious

    What u guys think about thos i would label the names on the pics but i don't know how. Ill Try tho.
  7. BIONICchronic42

    Cloning Ferminize Blueberry 1month old

    Nice man mine looks same as it did when i cut it its been like 8 days now im going to update pics sooon Tell me what u think Everyone. Thx BIONICchronic
  8. BIONICchronic42

    Cloning Ferminize Blueberry 1month old

    yea mines isn't a branch from the blueberry it the top. So i got to Bigg Buds at the ttop of my blueberry. Ill Post some pic in a week or in a couple of days and see what u gusy think Still Living not much growth of the clone just getting its roots probably. BIONICchronic
  9. BIONICchronic42

    HOMEMADE REFLECTOR 4 a 400watt hps

    Thxs everyone ill start making them for people for cheap... HAHAH for real. i work at and heating and air place. they got sheet metal and the bender and i was planning somthing else but made some cuts and everything worked great and i was suprized. YEa thxs again on the props. ' Ill...
  10. BIONICchronic42

    HOMEMADE REFLECTOR 4 a 400watt hps

    ok bRO i FOund a piece a sheet metal at work. Bent it. ANd made some cuts in the metal. And made little vents on it. i made little holes in it to put hooks on all 4 sides and have 4 hooks on that wall and made it work if u look close in the pics u can see how i did it sort of. I CAN MAKE MONEY...
  11. BIONICchronic42

    HOMEMADE REFLECTOR 4 a 400watt hps

    Thxs Top's ill Have updates on my plants and shit so if your interseted just check out my posts!!
  12. BIONICchronic42

    1first Grow Afghanica,Blueberry, and bubbleicious

    Ill Update On THese Plants weekly or even daily if u guys would like.
  13. BIONICchronic42

    1first Grow Afghanica,Blueberry, and bubbleicious

    Tell me what u think. I topped my blueberry and im tryin to clone her. ANd Same for the Afghanica. Im cloning her too and seeing how there going to work/ Plz give feedback. THx BIONICchronic 33 day old plants clones in cups are 1 week old! 1 blueberry and 1 afghanica One plant is there...
  14. BIONICchronic42

    HOMEMADE REFLECTOR 4 a 400watt hps

    No one else likes my reflector. Damn:(
  15. BIONICchronic42

    Cloning Ferminize Blueberry 1month old

    I don't use RW just soil and wormcasttings and rootone. Its been 1 week now and there still alive. I just toped my plant and tryed to clone the cuts. My pH is 6.5 i use distilled was with a tad bit of nuts. Professional nuts and my afghanica's are growing crazy 33 days old..
  16. BIONICchronic42

    Cloning Ferminize Blueberry 1month old

    I hope everything goes as planned!
  17. BIONICchronic42

    HOMEMADE REFLECTOR 4 a 400watt hps

    COme On GUys TEll me What u THINK of this REflector.
  18. BIONICchronic42

    Cloning Ferminize Blueberry 1month old

    If u think its impossible its been about 1 week now and thats how they look. I will keeep Updated on my clones ok. Ill show u i will CLONE MY BLUEBERRY.
  19. BIONICchronic42

    HOMEMADE REFLECTOR 4 a 400watt hps

    Thxs I hope it works good when they gett big.
  20. BIONICchronic42

    HOMEMADE REFLECTOR 4 a 400watt hps

    Made it at work in less then 2 hours. Tell me what u guys think free and fast. Thx BIONICchronic