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  1. BIONICchronic42

    Take A Look! Am I OK?

    I got my reflection on the walls thats better then malor.!!
  2. BIONICchronic42

    Take A Look! Am I OK?

    i can't do that really thats all i can do pretty much... Just hangs there i tryed to do that just wouldn't work.... Need hellp transplanting what size pots can i use i got 4 1/2 gallons 3 of them and 4 3 gallon pots with they work?????????Plz????Help QUick?
  3. BIONICchronic42

    Take A Look! Am I OK?

    thxs how many days u think i should transplant???
  4. BIONICchronic42

    Take A Look! Am I OK?

    I got 2 18" florcent growlux and 400watt hps 25in away from top. I use distilled water pH is 6.5 tp 7.0 my lighting is 18-6. i got a new seedling in there too if u can't see its at the bottom left. Just need advice on what u think?????
  5. BIONICchronic42

    help 1week and NEED HELP PLZ

    thxsman for all the help My bubbleious died:(
  6. BIONICchronic42

    Start Seedlings Under a 400 watt HPS

    well i just changed set up now i got my 400 watt hps 2 ft from plant and 2 12" florecenton the side now and really good reflection shit on the walls. Fan and i just put a new seedling in there u think that one willl be alright when allthe other ones are likt 1 half weeks old???
  7. BIONICchronic42

    HELP PLZ BUBBLESIOUS DIEING 1 and a half week old

    SHOULD I TAKE THE CFLS out and keep the 12" florecents????? I got that goood ass REFLECTION SHIT???
  8. BIONICchronic42

    Start Seedlings Under a 400 watt HPS

    is it ok to do that because i did it and started with 14 cups and got like 6 left???? I changed to cfls... JUST NEED A LITTLE ADVICE PLZ. MR. BIONICchronic
  9. BIONICchronic42

    HELP PLZ BUBBLESIOUS DIEING 1 and a half week old

    OK but i just put a new seeed in. my bubbleious is dieing im sure. SO i put another seed down.
  10. BIONICchronic42

    HELP PLZ BUBBLESIOUS DIEING 1 and a half week old

    i keep the lights on all the time i give it at least a 2 or 3 hour break a day of light just get me the days until i can start using my 400 watt hps
  11. BIONICchronic42

    help 1week and NEED HELP PLZ

    Thanks man u think i should just have to 1 400 watt on no cfls
  12. BIONICchronic42

    HELP PLZ BUBBLESIOUS DIEING 1 and a half week old

    I got 3 cfls and 2 12" florecent lights on my 7 1 and a half week old seedlings. I got a 400 watt hps but i think it killed half of my seedlings at the start. Because i started with 14 cups and have 7 now. I JUST REeally want my bubblesious to live. SO JUST TELL ME ANYTHING IM DOING WRONG. I use...
  13. BIONICchronic42

    help 1week and NEED HELP PLZ

    Jtoth3ustin thx for the help bro ill take any advice i got a little experence i just want my blueberry (f) to LIVE and i will clone i just want to know what u guys think of those guys and anything i can change????
  14. BIONICchronic42

    help 1week and NEED HELP PLZ

    IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT U GUYS THINK BECAUSE I JUST wANT To know when to use that 400 watt hps about a week and a half old so and info i gave asmany pics i could.. U THINK THAT DIEING BUBBLEIOUS plant is going to livE???????
  15. BIONICchronic42

    help 1week and NEED HELP PLZ

    Can i get some advice that is usefull. im not really a noob at this i got everything i need . PLZ get advice on anything that u might think im doing wrong i got a fan i try giving 24hours a day of light toooo if thats the problem plz tell me.
  16. BIONICchronic42

    help 1week and NEED HELP PLZ

    when should i start using my 400 watt hps
  17. BIONICchronic42

    help 1week and NEED HELP PLZ

    Thats my bubblicous seedling dieing i only got 2 there 3 afgainan and 1 blueberry (f)
  18. BIONICchronic42

    help 1week and NEED HELP PLZ

    I need advice about if i could start using my 400 watt hps on thos Baby and if u guys think there comingo out alright??? PLZ THIS IS MY SECOND grow i got some blueberry bubblious and agfainan so i really NEED THIS TO WORKK OUT PLZ HELP Me.....
  19. BIONICchronic42

    help 1week and NEED HELP PLZ

    I got my blueberry dutch passion FErmeniz and bubblious and afgainan I got pic just need advice i got a 400 watt hps and im wondering when i can start using it. JUST PLZ give advice some 1 week old seedlings are dieing and haven'ted done anything wrong. I Used worm casting and organic forest...