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  1. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    thx ill look into that...
  2. BIONICchronic42

    Male In Grow Room How do i get Pollen from Him.*PIC*

    I NEEd Help with my male i need his pollen and i want him gone.. Can someone tell me what i can do. Male and Female Pic is here.. Can i Plz Get Advice I am really tryin to make my own *strain* BIG GUYS IS THE MALE JUST TO LET U KNOW. Other One is still Unknown.
  3. BIONICchronic42

    Male With The Females???Want to Make my own Strain.

    Plz could i get som advice.
  4. BIONICchronic42

    Male With The Females???Want to Make my own Strain.

    Could i Plz Get help. I need to find out what i can do with the male. so i can get the pollen from it without makin my females infested with seeds.??
  5. BIONICchronic42

    Male With The Females???Want to Make my own Strain.

    Could Somone Explain better.. I really can't just put it by my window i can do it for like maybe 4 hours a day.. But to sketchy.
  6. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    Thx man .. Yea the Biggest one there is a Male I need the pollen from it I NEEd help doing that now...
  7. BIONICchronic42

    Male With The Females???Want to Make my own Strain.

    When should i do this u think and i really don't have a window to put it by.
  8. BIONICchronic42

    Male With The Females???Want to Make my own Strain.

    Could someone help me with my grow room. I got 3 plants 1 male 1 female 1 unknown right now. I would like 2 make my own strain. I can i keep the male alive without makin the female infested with seeds??? Plz can i get Help Here are som PICS.
  9. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    thx man im going to look for it.. What u think of my first plants???
  10. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    The Big One in the Picture is a Male IM pretty sure...
  11. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    You don't understand I Think. There is 3 Dank seeds 2 of them are the same bud and the other is another Dank bud. The 2 that are the same are male and female the other one is still unknown. I want to make my own bud. But polenting a bud. What should i do with the male right now so i can get its...
  12. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    Picorosscoo what u talkin about i just let them all dry out and water again and there is nothing wrong with my plants anymorre.... I just had a ? about my male i need polien from him, but i don't want to make the whole female with seeds... What can i do with the MaLE.
  13. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    Male And Female RIGHT???
  14. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    I WILL SHOW PIC of the new and IMPROVED grow room at around 7:00 central Time.. If u guys where the ones that help me out you guys should see these pic... And tell me what u think of the NEww Rooom... THANK YOU..
  15. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    Thx You guys for the Hellp.. Its All Good Now... I need help again tho... I Have 3 plants Big 1 is Male, 1 One is Female, and other is unknown at the moment. I would like to Use the polien from the Male and make One little part of the Female With Seeds.. So i can make my own Bud.. How can i do...
  16. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    thx guys ill give more pics of improvement.
  17. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    Thx Alot Im going to do it Man...Are thoughs lights good???? I want some good Cheap Lights???
  18. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    Can i use my faucet water.. Or should i go get my hinckley water???
  19. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    Can i flush my plant in city water u THINk???
  20. BIONICchronic42

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    I REALLY appreciate it man.. I going to do everything You said man.DId u see my fert is that alright to use i use like a tsp. of it in a gallon.