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  1. M

    all of plants fan leaves turning yellow and den crumbles up and falls off?

    i have a plant taht is about in its 3rd week of flowering and all of the fan leaves are falling off. the leaves first turns yellow den crumbles up and falls off what can be my problem? all help would be greatly appreciated
  2. M

    quick question

    do you think the hempy bucket style grow would be suitable for commercial growing?
  3. M

    hempy bucket

    question for those who use the hempy bucket... exactly how much should i water the plant like wen do i stop becuz the water is gonna come out from the bottom so wen do i need to stop? this has been bothering me:wall:
  4. M

    root rot possiblity?

    i did many grows in the closet before but with dwc bucket and it worked fine but this time i want to try out the hempy bucket after i have read many so great result from it
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    root rot possiblity?

    hi there i need some help okay so im deciding to do a sog grow with the hempy bucket method in 32 oz styrofoam cups, and here is my problem i am using a 400 hps light with no ventilation in a 3'x5' closet and i was wondering wat are the chances of root rot in this method plz help me becuz i dont...
  6. M

    i need some help plz help :'[

    this has been bothering for me weeks i was plannin building a hempy bucket but i was thinkin of doin a sog with 32oz styrofoam cups and my question is that do the cups need to be light-proof? plz i need some advice
  7. M

    when i prune?

    no like you trim the bottom 1/3 of the plant where the small branches are at that produce insignificant buds
  8. M

    Some budsites turning dark purple.

    wat is the temp outside that you are growing in? jus curious :]
  9. M

    when i prune?

    am i suppose to cut everything 1/3 of the plant is taht including the fan leaves that are connected to the main stem?
  10. M

    does anyone know how to set up?

    and does anyone know how to set it up and what i would need?
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    does anyone know how to set up?

    one more question where do the water come from?
  12. M

    does anyone know how to set up?

    a drip irrigation system indoors for about 4 girls? if so how and where can i get the supplies?
  13. M


    i was wondering can i use mollasses in a dwc system if so how much do i need to add?
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    tell him with all due respect sir but you can suck my dick :] that seems to get em goin lol
  15. M

    okay so i was pruning my plant

    oh alrite thnx for advice i guess only time will tell
  16. M

    okay so i was pruning my plant

    yeah its jus grazed on the outside but its still intact but how long will you think it will slow down the process and will it turn hermie?
  17. M

    okay so i was pruning my plant

    its about 3 week into flowering and as i was pruning the bottom of the plant i accidentally plough through a lil bit of the main stem with the razor blade so anyone tell me how will this affect my plant
  18. M

    pruning almost 3 week into flowering

    im sorry but i still dont understand wat you mean dont take much as in dont take much bottom bud sites? or... LOL