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  1. F

    To Fem Seed Or Not To Fem Seed - That Is The Question

    Are plants grown from reg seeds more productive - stronger - more pest resilient - than a clone or plant from a fem seed? Someone's gotta know this?
  2. F

    fem vs reg

    I need to order seeds and would like to know if it's true fem seeds are not as dynamic for lack of a better word as regular - chances for germination and success - less mutants, etc. Any help?
  3. F

    Two weeks old; light green leaves, beginning to curl and yellow/rust (pics)

    Leaves curling can also be zinc, manganese and iron deficiencies. Rusty and galvanized nails are good sources. Just bury them around the stem a half inch down. Magnesium is a good thing. It helps unlock the doors to fertilization. Miracle Gro? All it is is epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) treated...
  4. F

    Odd color taking over plant, help !

    When leaves curl down like that it can also signify too much nitro or too much water or combo thereof. I would foliar feed first to test low nitro theory. That way no danger of overfertilization. Plant should respond within a day. If not something in the soil is preventing the plant from...
  5. F

    Are you like an angel or something? Or just a tease? I think the former. Thanks for responding...

    Are you like an angel or something? Or just a tease? I think the former. Thanks for responding in any event. Best regards.
  6. F

    hydrofarm reflector Grow room question any feedback

    First time caller, long time listener. I'm building a grow room and want to do it right. Budget is an issue. Problem are too many choices and brands. Reflectors vs hood? 600 or 1000? Cool tubes with glass vs wings? Lights on tracks? Figured I'd give you wonderful, generous ingenious people the...