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    Private messages

    Is anyone else having problems sending messages? Click reply, type message, click submit. What am I doing wrong? I know I'm a underachiever but DAMN! I'm receiving, just can't send, WTF!
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    Heat problems small grow need help

    Your in Colorado right? Popo shouldn't be much a issue, go be best friends with the landlord and work something out. And if your going to want help on here, and you probably will, your going to need some better manners even when you disagree. There was some very affordable & achievable advice...
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    private messages

    What's the deal? I'm receiving pm but won't let me send them. Have tried multiple ways and it won't go through, at least its showing it's not, and the tracking wouldn't bring them up either.
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    Coco or soil for autos

    What do you set your ph at if mixing coco & soil, is the growth rate about the same or close to what coco & perlite would be alone, and would those goodies be dolomite lime and wormcastings by chance, if so what ratio? Sry for so many questions, if these were photos I wouldn't be so concerned as...
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    Do autos yield better in coco than soil?

    Forgot to ask, would it be better to add wormcastings to the coco or use as top dressing? With soil always just added it, but this will be first with coco.
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    Coco or soil for autos

    Thanks for the reply HV, anyone else experienced with this?
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    Do autos yield better in coco than soil?

    Think that's what I might do, but waiting to see if the seedbank can tell me anything. Was just hoping someone here may already know. Thank you for the reply SIP.
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    Coco or soil for autos

    I post this in a different section but no replies so might have been in wrong area. Can anyone tell me if autos get better yields in coco or in soil? Any input is appreciated, thank you in advance.
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    Do autos yield better in coco than soil?

    I have been researching every forum and thread I can think of, and might have posted this question in the wrong area. Does anyone have any input or experience on this question? Thank you in advance, RIU.
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    Peat moss starter or solo cups for autos with coco?

    I am, learning a lot here there's a lot there, thank you. But wondering bout the ph if mixing coco & soil. I guess split the difference somewhere around 6-6.2 until I get to the full coco then go 5.8.
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    Peat moss starter or solo cups for autos with coco?

    Thank you for the response JD. As far as pre-treating the coco, what would you recommend? I have FF nutes & Superthrive on hand and have already rinsed the piss out of it. Also for a starter mix, would 50/50 Happy Frog & Coco with some perlite be ok? I do have some Ocean Forest but have been...
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    Peat moss starter or solo cups for autos with coco?

    Am I in the wrong thread? I am a newbie, with coco anyways.
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    Peat moss starter or solo cups for autos with coco?

    Was wondering since autos really can't afford a recovery time with transplanting if I could use peat cups but wasn't for if they would break down as well in coco as they do soil? I know I could go from germinating straight to the finish pot, but would like to keep them in the dome for as long as...
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    Fiber Coir vs. Piece Coir

    All my local store had was piece coir, and not knowing any better I got it but just learned that it's not very good by itself, I guess it's to airy compared to the fiber coir. Was wondering if anyone else has used piece coir with success? Would adding less or no perlite be helpful? Any input at...