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  1. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    ok well as promised. heres a couple pics if anyone can see the strange spotting on the leaves an insight would be good, im hoping its just the lack of cal/mag which im trying to counter with epsom salts but i might just go see if i can buy calmag from somewhere. in fact if im gonna switch from...
  2. brettsog

    Inform, dont discurage

    guys, why so hostile. obviously you both have different opinions. why does it have to get shitty, at the end of the day i got a hps because i was lazy. there is a lot of light movement involved with cfls. but you can get equal if not more yeild with an equal amount of watts. 10 23/26w cfls can...
  3. brettsog

    12 hr hps or 20 hr T5

    more light hours the better imo for autos. but its up to you. more density with hps, more bud but fluffier with fluoro's
  4. brettsog

    Inform, dont discurage

    im using a 250w setup but only after itried with cfls, got 44g off of 4 plants with cfls. used shit cheap soil, over nuted didnt do much research and didnt reap the benefits. i agree with the no bashing the newbs but i also agree people should be bothered to do some research. if i had i wouldnt...
  5. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    im gonna post some pics up in a bit as i now have plants rather than seedlings, thanks for the info stoneslacker, im planning on a scrog this time round so its good to know, im not doing hempy im in straight coco. im using lucas formula but im gonna switch to dutch pro for flower by...
  6. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    please tell me what your doing to get such nice looking plants man. im really jealous. they look sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice
  7. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    looking good... (although a little worse for wear) be interesting to see the weight.
  8. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    i feel rough today. not felt this shitty in a long time. defo a much heavier hit than smoking. i had 5 cupcakes in the end. they were awesome.
  9. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    i made some canna butter out of my trim from my white widow... wow. i made it into butter icing and put it on some cup cakes. ive had 3 and my face feels numb lol i post a pic up in a minute.
  10. brettsog

    Coco Growers Unite!

    i kind of agree, i have had no issues with them but i rarely check the ph anyhow. im a lazy gardener. plus ive figured that im using the same water source throughout the grow and once im mixing the nutes full strength the ph should be the same throughout the grow. in theory lol
  11. brettsog

    electricity usage.

    if they have supporting evidence they can go into your financial records. they need probable cause though. ive seen things where people have been followed after coming out of a hydro shop and they watch them for months after and go through rubbish. they cant use heat or financial records to...
  12. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    peace to your loved ones mate, rolling a doober now man.
  13. brettsog

    Coco Growers Unite!

    ill do my best. i lost my job back in may and the savings are starting to dwindle a bit.
  14. brettsog

    electricity usage.

    as far as im aware in the states they arent allowed to fly around using infared as it is considered a breach of your privacy. different over here but im sure i read that somewhere recently
  15. brettsog

    FIRST SCRoG- Flo (pictures)

    the idea of a scrog is to have the branches spreading out from your plant across the under side of the screen so that they all grow at the same hieght so as to get a nice dense even canopy. when the branches get too stiff to bend you can use the supercrop technique. it creates like a knuckle in...
  16. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    thats the reason im doing outdoor from now on. missus has got the hump with it. and yeah i meant 5 spots. gonna aim for 3 in each. maybe more depending on how nice the spots are and how many seeds i can afford. im gonna use subcools super soil recipe as well to keep them well nourished...
  17. brettsog

    Coco Growers Unite!

    after i added the nutes, the water company say it should be 6.5 straight from the tap. its about 250ppm out the tap as well
  18. brettsog

    Closet Grow White Widdow

    in your small space go with a 250w hps or 400w with a cooltube and extraction. you will enjoy the benfits of HID flowering then. you'll find a lot of people veg with cfl and flower with hps just to keep costs down (ME). most people recommend at least 100w of cfl for 1 plant and at least an...
  19. brettsog

    Coco Growers Unite!

    ok cool. thanks for the info. i was told feed-feed-water to help stop salt buildup. the ph of my tap water is 6.5 according to water company and im using hard water nutes. ph dropper usually sits on 6 so i figured that was ok. i cant seem to get calmag around here so im using 1tsp of epsom salts...