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  1. brettsog

    Updated Bubbleicous.

    looking good, although there is a lot of orange in your lights considering you are meant to be in the veg period. just keep it simple as possible with autos. dont fiddle too much as they dont have much time for recovery and it will affect your overall yeild. keep it up man
  2. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    im gonna make a diy carbon filter. and keep the light a bit further from the top this time. was 4" away on average. gonna go for 8-10" this time to stop the canopy getting so hot :) wish me luck. started an amnesia fem and ak48 fem in coco this time round
  3. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    i had a c64 :) and a spectrum zx. i know the guy the guy that owns the rights to dizzy as well. classic gaming.
  4. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    the whole growing process seems to be easier than drying and curing. i think this time im gonna chop the whole plant and let it dry for a fortnight before i trim. been reading up loads and it seems to work well :)
  5. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    hey folks. just to let you guys know i have started my next grow. im growing 1 ak48 fem and 1 amnesia fem. 130w cfl for veg and 250w hps for flower. this time im growing in coco. using lucas formula. 6ml micro 9ml bloom per gallon for coco with a teaspoon of epsom salts to help with mg probs...
  6. brettsog

    Where did their sexy smell go!?? updated pics Ice @ Chrystal day 55

    that looks hermie. there are banana shaped protrusions with no pistils.
  7. brettsog

    buds feel waxy, help!!!

    about 3 weeks off. there are still quite a few clear trichs. id say about 20% clear 65% milky and 15% amber. ive sprouted my next seed (ak48) gonna veg for about 5-6 weeks same as the white widow. so that gives me about 5-6 weeks to fix the smell issue. wish me luck!! im gonna cure for a month...
  8. brettsog

    buds feel waxy, help!!!

    no mate, i had to pick it early as the smell was way too strong. and i cant do nothing about it for a while (broke :( ). and no i didnt flush as i was using individual bubble bucket. harvest wasnt planned, my neighbour knocked and asked me to either stop growing or do something about the smell...
  9. brettsog

    buds feel waxy, help!!!

    im keeping a very close eye on them. i have split my harvest between 2 jars even though it would have fitted into one. and ive taken a couple buds to stick in my pipe and they tasted ok. not great. worse when i tried to roll a joint. very green chemical taste. smells nicer when you pick the buds...
  10. brettsog

    All this talk about amber, well im not waiting....

    chop that plant. and by the looks of the curly leaves your over watering her. let the medium dry completely before you chop as the plant will wick all the moisture out of the soil before its starts doing it to itself. dryer your soil, drier your plant. less moisture to evaporate during the cure :)
  11. brettsog

    buds feel waxy, help!!!

    im 3 days into curing and my buds have an almost waxy feel to them. when they have been in the jar for 24hrs they get sticky then once i burp them they feel really waxy. im wondering is this normal??? and the smell seems to be getting worse not better. i know i probably have fucked this up but...
  12. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    i would nip to the hardware shop and get a small chain and 2 metal clip hooks. few pennies spent and much easier to work with than yoyo's lol. pain in the arse plastic shittty things
  13. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    ok well this has been chopped due to smell issues. dried and curing 70.9 grams. 0.28 gpw. pretty shit but its enough for me
  14. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    i keep them in a dish in the grow space. lights are off at the minute. as soon as the coytoledons appear ill turn the lights on. should be tomorrow ill be running 2 65w 6500k cfls for veg and the 250 for flower. this time im growing ak48 :) a nice short flowering period. going DWC again. using...
  15. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    thanks man... it smells a little musky if im honest. and almost like tea. until you put your nose up close then a nice fruity smell comes through. the smell when it was growing was almost like ammonia. very strong, pungent. where i was pumping the air into my hallway near the front door, it was...
  16. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    just a little update for you guys. due to the smell and a complaint from a neighbour i have had to chop my plant until i can get something sorted for the odour issue im having. i did this on saturday, the buds have been hanging to dry. the stems today were cracking near the buds when i bent them...
  17. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    looking good grazz. want my buds to fill out like that :)
  18. brettsog

    forcing my bag seed to flower so i can see sex

    give those preflowers a day or so. they are too small. when they are that size male and female preflowers look the same. wait 2-3 days. if you cant see hairs on any nodes then look again. they will start to look like little clusters if they are male. it takes a couple weeks as far as im aware...
  19. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    i cant, im waiting on a replacment air pump. have both in one res at the minute. im keeping a very close eye on it. soon as they look swollen enough i will pull the whole plant. for now i have stripped it down to just 2 branches. dont really need more than one pollen sack. i only want a few seeds :)
  20. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    i have an NYCD boy. little balls forming in clusters on some of the internode. gonna leave it a week or so to get some pollen and make me some WW x NYCD :)