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  1. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    well it sits about 2.5 feet tall (that includes the bucket). i have just over 4.5 feet to the top but bear in mind im using a wardrobe so it has a rail in it which i cant take out as im using the other half as a wardrobe still. so all in all i have about 4 feet but will need to have about 12-14"...
  2. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    ok well i put the lights back to 3" away and over the last 2 days she has grown into them so im gonna be flowering her tomorrow. asked in the dwc section when people think i should flower and the response was now cos WW can triple in size, whoops..... heres a couple pics from today im sure...
  3. brettsog

    Need a little info....... First time dwc

    thank you for the first straight answer i have gotten regarding this. alot of naysayers and speculators. ill switch lights over tomorrow. thanks man.
  4. brettsog

    Need a little info....... First time dwc

    im using a home made dwc bucket, its a 20l bucket which ive cut a hole in the lid and mounted a net pot. im using a submersible air pump (hydor ario #1) and rockwool cubes and clay pebbles for a medium im using lucas formula (gh flora micro/bloom) and im not testing ph or ec, i have a tds meter...
  5. brettsog

    what kind of ventilation would I need for a 250watt hps?

    my space is 20x50x50 and i am using 2 120mm pc fans with my 250w hps, not far off dimension wise. my temps stay between 25c-28c (76f-81f) took them out of an old pc so didnt cost me nothing, i have no passive intake either. just some cracks under the door.
  6. brettsog

    is it safe to put clones under 1000 watt HPS with crops???

    flowering is 12/12...... to the OP. it should be fine just try not to let the light be too intense. keep them at a safe working distance so they dont get too hot or too much light but enough. the idea of cloning is you want them to have enough light to photosynthesize but not enough to make...
  7. brettsog

    digital ballast RF is screwing up my cable and internet.

    it can cause an electrical build up. maybe mild electric shock. also it will die if you get nuked or emp'd cause there is nothing grounding it.
  8. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    trust me its not worth it. i pulled a few buds off my last grow to keep me going, really wish id waited as it affected my yeild and the smoke was crap. dried for 4 days then cured for 2 weeks. wow what a difference. still got a couple buds maturing for a rainy day. the smell from the jar is...
  9. brettsog

    Girl thin, tall. Can I clone her?

    that is a weird looking plant, heres mine at a month old you will need a bit more greenery to take clones i believe.
  10. brettsog

    Ikea "pax" stealth grow room advice

    looks like a good space, id say more likely 2 plants but you could probably fit 4
  11. brettsog

    digital ballast RF is screwing up my cable and internet.

    the steel would need to be grounded still.
  12. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    they are 65w & i have 2 of them, plus i want it to stretch it a bit more. its really short. i was expecting it to shoot up a bit more. tbh i dont think this new air pump is up to par. seems to be less bubbles than the airstone. although im having to clean the pre filter everyday as it gets...
  13. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    looking for a bit of advice...... when do people think i should put this plant into flower. i wanna get at least 2oz from this and take into account im gonna be using a 250w hps for flowering. there are 10 nodes and a small cluster forming at the top. she is only 11" tall but 20" wide. she is a...
  14. brettsog

    Ikea "pax" stealth grow room advice

    there are so many variables when it comes to environment control. there isnt really one correct answer. you best bet is to setup with what you want. maybe cfl for veg and a small hps (150/250w) for flower space. im managing to keep a grow cupboard temp down to 27/28c with a 250w hps. im using 2...
  15. brettsog

    digital ballast RF is screwing up my cable and internet.

    faraday boxes lol. military dont use rf sleeves. you can make a faraday cage from a foil insulated cardboard box and a distant enough grounding rod.
  16. brettsog

    digital ballast RF is screwing up my cable and internet.

    heres an article which isnt too technical so even the simpletons like me can understand how they work
  17. brettsog

    AK48 Taking REAL Long to Finish

    u dont want green, N can lengthen the flowering times. the plant will turn yellow as you flush it. it uses up all its remaining stores then proceeds to die. thats when you need to keep your eye on it
  18. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    ok well after a long and boring saturday night my pal turned up at half 10 last night with a reg NYC diesel seed so i soaked a rockwool cube and popped it in there got up this morning and the taproot was coming out and the seed shell working its way to the top. very happy with that. gonna stick...
  19. brettsog

    but yes with autos try and put them in the final pot to start with. plants usually take a week...

    but yes with autos try and put them in the final pot to start with. plants usually take a week or so to recover from being transplanted and with autos that could be 10% of the growing time you lose
  20. brettsog

    measure the width and buy a square pot. they have more space and fit tighter together...

    measure the width and buy a square pot. they have more space and fit tighter together., i use them for all the bits i cant find cheaper else where. they are the best priced hydro store online. what i mean is as the cannabis plant gets bigger you should move it into bigger...