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  1. Justin1002

    Small Skinny Seedling ?

    Im not sure if this is bad or not but i never flushed in my last grow.. lol
  2. Justin1002

    Small Skinny Seedling ?

    Well i cant get it soon probably. So you think its fucked? it wont work no matter what ?
  3. Justin1002

    Small Skinny Seedling ?

    Damn... i dont have the Budget honestly.
  4. Justin1002

    Small Skinny Seedling ?

    And i heard im not supposed to wait on watering because Miracle Grow has Fert i guess and have a bigger pot so im supposed to wait on watering
  5. Justin1002

    Small Skinny Seedling ?

    Well i think i fucked up with the soil.. the most hated soil. Miracle Grow Organic Choice Garden Soil, wasnt even paying attention.. pretty pissed hope it can work somehow..
  6. Justin1002

    Small Skinny Seedling ?

    Thanks! I heard it takes longer for the seedling/plant take off since its in a bigger pot is this true?
  7. Justin1002

    Small Skinny Seedling ?

    My seed sprouted today and noticed it had a small skinny stem and small leaves it's short too. Is it because it's in a bigger pot maybe ?
  8. Justin1002

    Soil Question...

    Thanks for the reply everyone... I hope it turns out good. Just hopeing for a female
  9. Justin1002

    Soil Question...

    Well to start off. I fucked up pretty bad and pretty pissed about it. Went to store and got Miracle Grow Organic Choice Garden Soil. Without realizing that garden soil does not go into pots.. Feel so stupid . What is the difference? Will it really make a difference? I just want to make this work...
  10. Justin1002

    Using Purified Bottled water for plant?

    im using Purified bottled water for my seedling is this okay? i dont have a ph meter so i cant check..
  11. Justin1002

    Scared i messed up?

    a couple grow ago was about a year ago id say i used Miracle grow Organic and sucessfully completed a grow. now trying at it again. i think something might be wrong. The first leaves are Yellow/Brown/Black and then the leaves growing now are green looks pretty normal. i dont know ive heard a lot...
  12. Justin1002

    Seedling Turning Yellow/Brown?

    the seed finally came out of the soil today and was yellow and brown looking. It hasn't fully opened up yet I just can see it from the sides of the 2 leaves . Is this normal?
  13. Justin1002

    Does Pot Size really matter?

    ive have a seedling in a i believe is a 4 gallon pot which im planning to keep in the entire grow. What are the advantages for keeping it in bigger pots? Disadvantages?
  14. Justin1002

    Seedling Question?

    The seedling about a 1/4 inch id say out of the soil but still has the shell of the seed stuck on in. from a certain angle i can see inside and see green but it looks like the leaves are still closed. im afraid if i try to get the seed off ill mess it up somehow. Its a pretty skinny seedling...
  15. Justin1002

    Can you estimate how many grams will I get from this plant?

    Going to give you a legit answer lol... Too early to tell you to be honest give it some time
  16. Justin1002

    Seed Stunted?

    i originally had a seed and had soil(didn't look healthy) from id say 6 months ago from my last grow that I put in a solo cup. I tried germinating but nothing so I just said fuck it and planted it in the soil and watered. It actually germinated a couple days after . I then put in under a couple...
  17. Justin1002

    Little bugs in soil?

    Today i just bought a bag of organic soil and i looked at it later and realized there were some very small bugs that were walking around? is this harmful to seedling?
  18. Justin1002

    Do you think the seed is still okay?

    I transplanted a seed that sprouted with about a inch inch and a half of root from a solo cup with crap soil from my last grow many months ago. and i transplanted it into brand new organic soil in a bigger pot. i hope i didnt shock the root or something. i didnt even touch the root really just...