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  1. Justin1002

    Pot Size?

    i got a pot from the hardware store and it didnt say how many quarts or gallons it was i measured it and its 10 inches tall with a diamter of about 11.5 inches. any way to see how big it is?
  2. Justin1002

    Basic Grow Question

    3rd time , with 2 successful attempts. today the seed germinated and is under 2 cfl with 1600 lumens each, which i will later on add 2 more or even more not sure yet. What size pot should i grow in? its in a solo cup right now. im not looking to get a huge plant ill be very happy with a 1/2...
  3. Justin1002

    Germinated seed?

    What are the chances of Germination do some brown seeds not germ? i just it in soil , after 2 or 3 days in wet paper towel , and about a day in a glass of water and nothing, so i just planted and its under light right now in a solo cup. about 3200 lumens are on it. 18/6 light cycle
  4. Justin1002

    Germinated seed?

    Thanks, and what are the chances of seeds germinating? I only have one seed left from 2 the seconds I germinated a while ago and root rotted , but yeah what are the chances if it's a brown seed? Does the size of seed matter?
  5. Justin1002

    Germinated seed?

    Well I put it in a Paper towel first and damped it. But no luck doing that for 2 days . So I just now out it in the cup of water how long should I leave it in there?
  6. Justin1002

    Germinated seed?

    Thanks for reply! It's a brown seed. And doesn't seem fragile I put it in the water and it sank to the bottom how long can it stay in the water without going bad?
  7. Justin1002

    Germinated seed?

    i have a seed that I put in a wet paper towel in a bag for about 2 days and nothing. I just put it in a glass of water and seeing what will happen? Is it supposed to do something by now? It's a pretty small seed.
  8. Justin1002

    Germination Question

    i found 2 seeds that were scattered in my room when i used to grow. one of them already had a root coming out of it. maybe i germinated and forgot to plant it? its been months that seed must of been sitting there. i decided to plant the one seed and see what happens, its day 2 or 3 i believe...
  9. Justin1002

    How much Kief gets you high?

    Will smoke it later been staring at it lol
  10. Justin1002

    How much Kief gets you high?

    i have a decent bowl pack of Dried Leaves from my last grow mainly leaves that the bud was attached to. and i have about a pinch maybe more size of Kief looks really potent. Do you think ill get high/stoned from that bowl? i dont really smoke anymore i didnt smoke for about 3 1/2 months until...
  11. Justin1002

    Minimum amount of bud from a plant?

    will go up to 92 watts with 4 23 watt cfls, right now just have a solo cup i could use. do you think i could finish in a solo cup?
  12. Justin1002

    Minimum amount of bud from a plant?

    Thank you! that sounds perfect! basically what im doing right now, i have it on 18/6 with a Y connector with 46 watts on it now with 3200 lumens and once it gets bigger ill put 92 watt with 6400 lumens on it :) maybe more not sure
  13. Justin1002


    Im growing with a unknown seed, using recycled soil from my last grow about a year ago. im doing a budget grow though now, looking to use only about 3 or 4 23 watt 1600 lumen cfls. right now i just have one on it in a solo cup. hopefully i will see results soon. i will be topping a lot. last...
  14. Justin1002

    Think they can finish in 1 gallon?

    yeah you could, but probably wouldnt get as much yield
  15. Justin1002

    How important is soil for seed?

    i had soil from a previous grow . And now using it on another one. I made it somewhat damp and planted the seed. Will this still be good?
  16. Justin1002

    Minimum amount of bud from a plant?

    im doing a very small budget grow, what is the bare minimum i can get without much effort? like 3 grams ? im just trying to grow a small plant for now.
  17. Justin1002

    Grow question

    i found 2 seeds that i forgot about and one of them had a root coming out of it already, im guessing its about 6 months old just sitting there maybe longer. the other seed is still like normal. Im trying at growing again but very low budget this time so im not expecting much at all. will this...
  18. Justin1002

    Marijuana Leaves Question

    Okay so i used to grow, and today being over 3 months sober from weed, i found leaves from my old plant which was female, and its been drying for like 4 or 5 months probably maybe more, but i just a decent sized one and it has little specs which looked like thc, and then i found a smaller one...