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  1. EarlyMisty#1

    Do these look healhty?

    i hear miracle grow potting soil isnt the best, this maybe way. + you should put the hours to 20 on, 4 off, as 24 hours is pretty radical dude
  2. EarlyMisty#1

    Flowering leaf discoloration please HELP

    your plants look abit too much overwatered and the yellow is fine dont worry about it, if it gets worse post it
  3. EarlyMisty#1

    Why so small?

    okay dude 1) use a bigger pot 2) water every 2-3 days 3) dont fertilize this young 4) set up a permanent place of light (or put it where you need to be) hope this helps man :D
  4. EarlyMisty#1

    HELP me please...dont know whats up...

    dont fertilise this early, and get some proper efficient lighting and a timer plug, give it the right lighting and warmth and it will flourish
  5. EarlyMisty#1

    Wilting & Spotting

    water every 2 -3 days bro, every day is abit too much, it should perk up in a couple of days, just have bigger intervals of watering, only time will tell.
  6. EarlyMisty#1

    forum rules

    im not too sure, new servers so they must be cleaning up stuff.:joint:
  7. EarlyMisty#1

    forum rules

    look at the green tab normally above the advertisement, 3 tabs towards the right from "my rollitup" at the top left :joint::joint:
  8. EarlyMisty#1

    What's wrong with this (5 days flowering)

    yep the roots will be drowned, you need to give the roots air, follow eman420's advice :joint::joint::joint:
  9. EarlyMisty#1

    Deficiency for Parasite problem? Please help use this bro
  10. EarlyMisty#1

    Marijuana problems use this link to help u out bro its abit hard without pictures :(
  11. EarlyMisty#1

    older leaves turning yellow brown tips

    water every other 3 - 4 days, and time will tell
  12. EarlyMisty#1

    5 mo old mother plant wilted overnight everywhere, plenty of water, whats the deal

    Could you post pictures please dude, it would make it easier.
  13. EarlyMisty#1

    This goes out to every member on this site

    I love you guys too :D your just so awesome and so friendly
  14. EarlyMisty#1

    the english outdoor thread

    Hi steve, i dont know if this is what you mean but this is the best offer for a budbox for any British person right here: GROW KIT HYDROPONICS WITH LIGHT AND TENT 2 PLANT KIT on eBay (end time 22-Jun-09 14:48:03 BST) and if it ends before you get a chance to buy it dont worry, that happened to...
  15. EarlyMisty#1

    Hey, new here

    alright mate, nice car :) im glad every person here smokes weed, its seriously cool :D
  16. EarlyMisty#1

    Ouch! Some help plz

    Get some very thin solder, and just make a 90 degree lassoo, this will help the plant alot, and soon enough it should be free standing (then you can take the guide lassoo off)
  17. EarlyMisty#1

    36 hours dark before flwr?

    So Merlin, would you reccomend doing 72 hours of darkness before 12/12? Is it really worth while?
  18. EarlyMisty#1

    curling downward and dying tips

    Too hot man, or PH.
  19. EarlyMisty#1


    heres the pic
  20. EarlyMisty#1


    8 weeks from 12/12 i beleive (sory i forgot to mention this in, im pretty stoned right now ha)