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  1. See_Jay

    LED grow lights - how much is enough?

    Do you have any pictures? Also, I am new too, but those Quantom LEDs are not that bad at all, yes they are usually about 10% of their average wattage, but you can grow and flower 1-2 plants per 1k watt Quantom LED, the blurples....yea, kinda suck, you would want a full spectrum LED at optimal...
  2. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    Update 5/31 I got some Neut burn on my seedlings. I got a bit too excited with it! I seemed to fix it though, FLushed them. I need to be alot more conservative with them from now on.... was only doing 1/8th, but mixing all of them was no beuno! Will do less. Check out Day 9 video!
  3. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    Update 5/29(30) Grandaddy purp has been added, I totally messed up the germination, so I don't know how well she will go (hopefully its a she). She is not an Autoflower, so she will be my cloner (maybe), Both plants responding to feeding very well, Being very conservative with the little girl...
  4. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    Update 5/28 Plant is responding really well. All looks good so far, have very minute, but effective neuts going on. Looks remarkable to me, are those leaves too green though? Thanks!
  5. See_Jay

    What's going on there then

    How is one suppose to keep an area humid if we live in a dry climate though?
  6. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    Update 5/27 Plant seems to be responding well to the new lights and neuts, Last night I tested the PH of the soil (I have been watering with properly PHed water) and noticed the soil was at 7-7.2 ph! I had to lower it. So I looked up and saw that coffee grounds were a great additive (it had...
  7. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    Plant still responding well to the slight neuts (Grow big), looking excellent! (I think) Cal-mag is coming tommorow as long with some RapidStart roots, going to put super super conservative amounts of rapid and 1/2 dose of cal-mag in feed. June 1st still looking like the date I will transfer...
  8. See_Jay

    It’s getting worse !!! Please help

    Looking at it more I def think its neut burn, since the browning.
  9. See_Jay

    It’s getting worse !!! Please help

    Mobile Nutrient burn is my guess, I am not experienced enough to tell you which one though. (could be neut deficiency too though! Not sure!) Reference:
  10. See_Jay

    Please help!!!

    they look overwatered and possibly nutrient deficient. Only coco and perlite? There is no food for the plant in that. I am speaking from inexperience though, 6 days into my first grow, just alot of research.
  11. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    Photo Update, Seemed to respond to the nutrients very well (I was very conservative) leaves went up before I put in the new light, so I bet those really helped. Also, the new light ("1000w" Quantom LED), the plant really likes it, and I do too, Will be getting a second one and trying to pump...
  12. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    Update 5/26 Only thing they had at the grocery was the Fox Farm Grow Big, I mixed in with my watering and gave it a decent water this morning, hopefully I didn't overbear it, only added 7 drops to a 10 FL oz spray bottle (i think that was the right calculation) Will give a picture update later...
  13. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    Another question, When I get all these nuets, what is the easiest way to prep this water/food? I know I technically have a hydro medium right now, but I really want to get it going on soil. Right now I have been just doing my PH in 500ml intervals, Everything on feeding neuts though usually has...
  14. See_Jay

    Real long stems

    You are going to need alot more light than a 20w CFL and 9w LEDs and LED strips. You need grow lights. Real, Grow lights.
  15. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    Yeah, I am waiting for them both.I have this miracle gro stuff but was told not to use that. When I do the transplant to the happy frogs, should I try to get the max amount of the fake soil away from the transplant? Or just do the full thing like it's a Rapid Rooter? Also have the RapidStart...
  16. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    I have the Fox Farms on order, but it says it won't arrive until June 1st. I ordered this (because I can have it here on by Weds) but it might be a bit strong for what I am doing, so I will use it very...
  17. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    Question, Could this be a lack of nutrients? I might be looking at it a bit too much but the leaves seem toi be dooping ever so slighty even more, could this be a lack of nutirients in the soil? I have only used a Rapid Rooter and Cloud 9 soil from Amazon, which advertises close to no fertility...
  18. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    Sounds good! I am completely getting rid of the Blurple one when my Spider Farm comes tommorow, and getting a 2nd Spider Farm with the return money of the blurple. Will post when I got it! Thanks for the reply!
  19. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    Seems to be growing fine, bigger canteylin leaf is super droopy though, overwater? Underwater?
  20. See_Jay

    First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

    UPDATE my seedling has shed the outer shell, had my fan going a bit hard, so I think it came off prematurely, hopefully she will be OK!