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  1. Boagus

    Do plants droop after transplanting?

    mm yeah i learnt that the hard way before, i let the soil dry a day (used a moisture meter) before transplant though so it shouldnt be a problem :/
  2. Boagus

    Do plants droop after transplanting?

    hey, just transplanted today as well, got the exact same wilting n i had watered till it flows out the bottom. the plants day 5 of flowering as well which was a bitty sketchy lol. hopefully itll perk up the next day like sativasam says! usually when my plant wilts i add water and it perks up...
  3. Boagus

    Rage Against the Machine

    aw man i just saw them at t in the park a couple of weeks ago, they were probably the best act that have ever played there! biggest crowd ive ever seen
  4. Boagus

    my plant is getting there.

    haha this thread was amazing!
  5. Boagus

    When shld flower?

    39cm today!
  6. Boagus

    When shld flower?

    today! the leaves have perked up nicely since fertilising, plus a couple of leaves had slightly yellow tips which are now green again, hurray!
  7. Boagus

    When shld flower?

    ah topping is never something ive fully understood how to do, im not quite sure where exactly to cut. mm its tempting to transplant, would probaby delay the flowering by some time though? how much do you think my plant would yield if it stayed in the current pot? its 36cm tall now, will probably...
  8. Boagus

    When shld flower?

    i cut the crappy lower leaves off that were not receiving any light cos of their condition + added ferts + added more bloodmeal again and the plant is beasting away!
  9. Boagus

    When shld flower?

    anybody got any ideas about the lower leaves?? i just gave them a weak fertiliser today to see if they get any better. day 1 of flowering now =)
  10. Boagus

    When shld flower?

    =o the guys comment dissappeared? anyhoo, any ideas about the leaves. reckon they need some nitro?
  11. Boagus

    When shld flower?

    groovy, i watered them yesterday so they should be fine, will check with the moisture meter later and see how they are to be safe in an hour when the light cycles off. next time i grow ill keep them smaller and use a couple of clones methinks! i reckon i cld get 3 in the closet
  12. Boagus

    When shld flower?

  13. Boagus

    When shld flower?

    ah okay, thanks for the replies! yeah the height restriction is whats looming in my mind, if i had the height then i reckon id grow it a bit longer veg. reckon ill start the flowering now =) ill fire a picture up of the lower leaves which im a little concerned about
  14. Boagus

    When shld flower?

    thanks for the quick reply, they seem to mostly opposite each other but there is 2 of the side branches with alternating nodes. should i wait a little longer? i was also wondering how much it will grow when induced to flowering
  15. Boagus

    When shld flower?

    ps also, the bottom leaves are turning slightly yellow, should i start with any ferts?
  16. Boagus

    When shld flower?

    ps its about a month old
  17. Boagus

    When shld flower?

    okay, basically after trying and failing i eventually have a plant! SC, its 24cm tall with just over 73cm height above it before the light. should i go into flowering? ill get a pic up soon as possible set up: in soil (half compost half soil with some blood meal), 400w hps light, and a fan...
  18. Boagus

    First Journal

    thanks for the reply, they dont look any better...i agree its hard to really tell what happened, the young one definetly died from heat though i think, the leaves were like sand, the 2 left havnt improved at all....the soil is wet underneath but thats cos i watered them plenty when i found them...
  19. Boagus

    First Journal

    any help...anyone?
  20. Boagus

    heat stress..

    anyone got any ideeas about how to resurrect them??? :(