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  1. Boagus

    heat stress..

    i think my plants got severa heat stress...they were amazing one day then today...urgh... i have the pics in my journal, can anyone help please?
  2. Boagus

    First Journal

    *sighs* that was my bigger one... and thats the other one.... how much will they recover does anyone know???
  3. Boagus

    First Journal

    okay nevermind i have bad news....seems while i was out this morning the temp rose crazy high just before i got a fan......the baby plants leaves have all dried up and fallen off so i think thats dead, the biggest plant is recoverable its just gone really droopy and one leaf has a yellow...
  4. Boagus

    First Journal

    oh yeah since the two biggest plants are from mixed packet, does anyone know if there ever going to be a way of telling which it is, the mix is northern lights, cinnamon, grapefruit and nevilles haze.
  5. Boagus

    First Journal

    heres some better pics of the plants, the first one on the left seems to be quite the bushy lil one! the new one is going strong and the one on the right is doing goood too the nutes seem to have helped
  6. Boagus

    First Journal

    they are indeed, tis a led zeppelin poster tho :) nicee thats quite a helpful setup picture cheers, thanks for your time to read and comment my journal!
  7. Boagus

    First Journal

    cheers dude! mm ive gave a little bit of thought to the ventilation but not much, trying to figure what would be the best way of venting it since the top can be opened i was thinking about somehow using it to fit a ventilation device in and using bin liner bags to prevent light from escaping...
  8. Boagus

    First Journal

    also, thats the first plant on the left, the strawberry cough in the middle and another plant from the mixed packet on the right
  9. Boagus

    First Journal

    apoligies for the horrific camera phone pictures :p
  10. Boagus

    First Journal

  11. Boagus

    First Journal

    thank you for replying! ah sadly no my wardrobe is one compartment, ive bought feminized seeds but i guess its never a sure thing. i used the clear pots just to get a just for when the earth is becoming dry..alas i didnt think about the roots getting damaged. i shall get some sort of covering...
  12. Boagus

    First Journal

    i should probably mention that its a seed from a mixed bag, thinking about starting a strawberry cough plant as well and letting them grow to a good size before the flowering period, will the 3 week difference matter much (ill add 3 weeks grow to strawberry cough to compensate). the set up is...
  13. Boagus

    First Journal

    heres a pic for the present its still going strong, though a couple of leaves are starting to yellow slightly at the bottom....possibly a lack of N? i shall try lightly fertlizing and seeing what happens. anyone know how long it takes before any results show?
  14. Boagus

    First Journal

    all is going well up to now, the set up is 400 watt light in a soil half compost, half soil from outside with some blood meal mixed in. watered about every 3 days and havnt used any ferts yet! :)
  15. Boagus

    First Journal

    Hi to all! this is my first journal, decided to make after about 8 failed attempts and trying to grow...learned from mistakes each time! im now about 3 weeks in but heres a pic from 2 weeks ago!
  16. Boagus

    Young plant slightly yellow curling

    thanks for replying, ill upload a picture as soon as possible for you yeah im a bit new to everything, what kind of fertilizer would you reccomend?
  17. Boagus

    Young plant slightly yellow curling

    Hi, i have a young plant that was doing well but recently the leaves at the top have become slightly yellow and some leaves seem to be curling down a little, i have been watering every 2-3 days, have i been overwatering? the soil mixture is half soil half miracle grow compost with a bit of blood...
  18. Boagus

    First time, young plant yellow leaves

    ah excellent cheers, i think i shall try that with another seed and see how it goes
  19. Boagus

    First time, young plant yellow leaves

    aaah okay, thanks! will try sort that out just now
  20. Boagus

    First time, young plant yellow leaves

    It's Westland Multi-Purpose Compost, what would be the best way to replace nitrogen if nitrogen deficiency was the case? i killed a plant accidentally with an indoor plant liquid fertilizer NPK 7+6+6 last week...not having much luck but learning as I go!