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  1. M


    Do your guys plants Droops once the sun goes away? i work night so i dont really get to see them at this time, but they are drooping. they looked good this morning in the sun so thats what im assuming it is
  2. M

    toping my plants

    im gonna do it in an hour or so on my smaller of the two plants because the growth from the last top is double the size of my larger plant. and if they colas get to heavy for the branches ill make sure to tie them up
  3. M

    toping my plants

    ok so dont top one more time? just stay with the two main stalks. its jjust ive had people tell me its fine, cause i sitll have 2-3 weeks untill the plants think about flowering but also people tellling me know but dont explain
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    toping my plants

    They are growing quick, they new growth is taking off, but i will give it another two days and just meet the time difference in the middle. and i am located in the northeast. ive got a minimum till the end of this month untill they even start to think about flowering
  5. M

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    i mix half a teaspoon of dish soap with about a tablespoon of neem oil in a half gallon mister. havnt had any bug issues since ive started using it. im still gonna go get bt to prevent since im still in veg for a while. ive bener heard of those bud worms but i dont want them
  6. M

    toping my plants

    i topped my plants for the first time last week. i want to do it again so i can get 4 tops. is a week long enough, and also do i top it at the v again or take of the 2 stalks completely that grew from the last top
  7. M

    Help design my closet?

    yeah well it seems to me that these hydro kits are really expensive if you want super nice ones. the lights arnt too bad of a price and other then that i just need my nuts and ph kits. the intake and exhaust fan are cheap.
  8. M

    Help design my closet?

    haha i just want something simple for my first indoor grow but will still be of good quality, after we pick a good strain maybe we can get a list of exactly what i need. i have a hydro store across from me so ill order it in a week or so
  9. M

    Help design my closet?

    see idk what best for indoors yet. outdoors i was doing green house Himalayan and white rhino which were both huge yields and tall plants. but indoors im not sure. i order most of my seeds from Europe so i can get whatever
  10. M

    Help design my closet?

    im guessing ill go with vegt sicne i have no setup yet and have only seeds to start with. and then ill make my other closet the flowering room in a couples weeks after my veg starts, and just replace them as they go. does tht sound ok?
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    Help design my closet?

    well if this helps i want as much yield as possible. i have a large demand currently and going from outdoors to indoors will cut my harvest down alot since i have 10 8 ft outdoors plants. but i know turnaround times for indoors are better and i don't have to worry about this heat wave and bugs...
  12. M

    Help design my closet?

    yeah im definitely in it for some yields . so i need a 600watt light set up? and how many plants can i do. i wanna do hydroponics.
  13. M

    Help design my closet?

    as long as everything can fit in the closet, being an outdoor grower, a 2ft by 3ft closet doesnt seem like much space :shock:
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    Help design my closet?

    starting from scratch with no budget. ill get whatever i need to make this nice and succesful.
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    Help design my closet?

    i cant cut holes no, but the doors are grated, kinda like shutters ya know? so i was gonna seal the bottom half and use the top to push air and bring in new air
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    Help design my closet?

    also to update, i plan on doing hydroponics
  17. M

    Help design my closet?

    Hey guys, i have two closets. both the same dimensions which measure 2 ft deep, 3 ft wide and 8ft tall. ive never grown indoors before so i was wondering if someone could help me get a setup going
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    Nut. Burn?

    will they recover ok
  19. M

    Nut. Burn?

    ok that makes perfect sense, i used a stress release spray and a natural bug repel spray
  20. M

    Nut. Burn?

    hey guys does this look like nut burn? i havent given them any extra nutriets or ferts. but i transplanted them about 5 days or so ago from miracle grow to fox farm because the miracle grow was burning them