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  1. M

    Plant leaves are folding

    The heat died down, but the leaves look like they are getting worse. how long before they should do better
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    Plant leaves are folding

    Yes i am outside so there is plenty of air flow.
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    Plant leaves are folding

    just ordered some of that Rhizatonic so we will see how it goes
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    Plant leaves are folding

    ok well ill make sure they get plenty of water tomorrow once it drops a few degrees. is high 80's an ok temp?
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    Plant leaves are folding

    bringing them inside at night to let them cool down wouldnt help would it? since its so hot during the day. only because this is going to be a hot summer and they are already in the shade. i dont want them to die
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    Plant leaves are folding

    i already have a root stimulator, would they be doing the same thing?
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    Plant leaves are folding

    they sell that everywhere?
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    Plant leaves are folding

    and just for info the rest of this week it ranges from 78-88 degrees over the whole week
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    Plant leaves are folding

    yes the leaves feel really dry, but there is nothing i can do about the heat. so i just have to wait untill it is over? and what is a good stress reliever
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    Plant leaves are folding

    because im trying to keep it as natural as possible and thats how often it rains here in the northeast where im at. but they are under lattice so they dont get 12 hours of direct sun so when it does rain, it doesnt go in the pots directly so i water them with mister to amount of rainfall we had
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    Plant leaves are folding

    miracle grow moisture control. and we just had a heat wave the past 3 days where it hit up to 98degrees
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    Plant leaves are folding

    Not sure what the issue is, but it just started doing this. i water them every 3 days and skip a day if it rains.
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    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Can someone help tell me what is wrong with my plants?!?! they are wilting and turning brown/ yellow and havnt grown much, they are about 2 weeks old
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    Thats just how long we have sun out this time of year. they probably get about 7 hours of it where they are. and ill make the jump to their final pots and hopefully they survive. i have good miracle grown moisture control potting soil that i use. did they look to bad or think they can recover?
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    Update: Here are my plants
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    So there are alot of different posts that say only transplant once to your main pot size. should i slowly work my up from the jugs they are in now to a 1 gallon then my 3 and finally a 5? they are also browning on the leaves. please help! they get about 14 hours of sun right now being outside...
  17. M


    i think i had some growth issues due to some bug infestation, but i have controlled the problem and they are back to growing again. im going to post some pictures so you can see. some of the plants lost whole leaves from bugs but are re growing now. but i didnt want to do 5 gallons because of...
  18. M


    Hey Guys, just for references this is my first grow so im learning everyday. Ive had my seedlings outdoors for about 2 weeks and they are doing well. about 2-3 inches tall. Had a few problems with some bugs noming on them, but it is taken care of and they are recovering. currently they are in 3...