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  1. brettsog

    Wife says smell is too strong and i need to make some changes! inlaws coming intown!

    FILTER=>=>=>=>=LIGHT=>=>=>=>=>=FAN sucking air=>=>=>=>=>=>=EXHAUST that is the best setup for carbon filters. filter mounted at the top of the tent with the light. the next issue your gonna have is the noise of your inline fan. they sound like aeroplane engines.
  2. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    welcome aboard fella. cheers. i didnt realise they were that big but people keep saying it so im going with it.
  3. brettsog

    Grow So Stealth, GF Can't Find It... Auto's under CFL

    wish my bird was that accepting. i did decieve her a bit when i asked if she minded me growing in the cupboard. she wasnt expecting a jet engine and a replica sun lol. she got the hump with me and took a pair of scissors to my last plants. after a long argument she has agreed to let me do one at...
  4. brettsog

    metal halide & mercury vapor

    as the guy above said they arent energy efficient. cfls are more efficient on electricity. you can get more for your money
  5. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    im only hitting 27-28c which is maximum really before it starts getting bad for the plant. i was looking at a cool tube but i would need an inline fan and they are too noisy. i went crazy with my razor blade earlier and stripped most of the main fan leaves and a few of the smaller fan leaves...
  6. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    tell me about it. i live in quite a hard water area as well which makes me wonder...... who knows. but its working at the minute. i dont even have in my possesion ph up or down. (have vinegar and bicarb at the ready if i do need either.) i have urine strips from a gp (shhhhhh) which i can chech...
  7. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    im using a different type of airpump to most. its a submersible air pump. hydor ario. £15 for the basic one, and can airate 25ltrs of water with absolutely no sound. im starting to think its that which has made the roots grow so much as it pumps out so many teeny tiny air bubbles. the water is...
  8. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    thanks man. i was worried at first because they yellowed slightly but someone told me as long as they arent slimy at all its probably just the nutrients dying them. i would just like to add i havent ph'd anything. i know most people recommend it but my tap water comes out about 6.2 and the GH...
  9. brettsog

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    TROLL!!!!! why not pop over to the 250w thread for a second or 2. a fella there just got 5 and a bit zips off of one plant vegged for 4 weeks, flowered under a 250w. do some research before you call bullshit. just because your shit at growing bud dont mean everyone is......
  10. brettsog

    I need more lighting, would MH work for now?

    the more light the better. MH is fine during flowering. its better to have a full spectrum of light anyway rather than just one colour temp. there are people that only use MH or HPS full cycle, no switch at all. hps can make your plants stretchy during veg so that the only downside.
  11. brettsog

    When to stop vegging and move it into flowering? Do you top or not?

    you go 2-3 feet before your flower. wow you must have some serious space. i usually go for about 14-16" before i flower due to height restrictions. topping is a very effective method to increase your yeild as instead of having one top you can end up with quite a few. most people aim for 4-10...
  12. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    thought i would share a few pics (sorry about crappy quality) first 2 are my white widow bagseed :) looking good about 10/12 days into flower. and the next 3 are my roots. last one is my mystery NYCD which is about 3 weeks from seed 12/12 as well and still not shown sex.
  13. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    xok well heres some pics as promised..... first 2 are my flowering girl :) she smells soooooo fruity when you brush up agaisnt her. next 3 are some root porn ;) as per request. and the last is my NYCD mystery still no sex and it is almost at node 7. although from what i know diesel is an almost...
  14. brettsog

    Northern Lights X BB auto & Speed Devil auto

    nice to see you finished man. got a decent harvest as well. good to see your avoiding smoking. if i wasnt so hooked on nicotine i would stop rolling joints but i tried just using a bong for a few days and i got proper ratty with everyone so i went back to basics lol good looking out man.
  15. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    ok mate. the decent camera has gone out with my missus for the day. ill take some pics on my phone but not sure how good they will be.
  16. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    again nice yeild. id love to get 5oz of my one plant. im hoping to get at least 2. good work fella. keep it up
  17. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    nice yeild man, did you pull that with just a 250w? and how many plants did u have? looks like nice bud fella.
  18. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    ok well just a small update. i will post some pics later. flowers are starting to form nicely on all the branches now. the stretch has stopped. she hasnt grown much vertically for the last few days. i cant belive im not even 2 weeks in and she is flowering so well already. dwc is the way...
  19. brettsog

    Ppm and additives help?

    i know, its madness. but its true. i used plain water on the rockwool then straight into full strength nute solution as soon as roots were showing on the bottom of the 1" cube i used. im using the lucas formula if that makes any difference.