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  1. OregonMeds


    "What future for any of us is there when it comes to affordable energy? " Doesn't look good but I bet he would work for weed:
  2. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    "in other words, i don't even know what to believe anymore. but it sure as shit ain't the tin foil hat shit that oregonmeds espouses." The tinfoil hat shit you attribute to me doesn't come from me, I didn't make any of this stuff up. Let me remind you once again that all this info comes from...
  3. OregonMeds

    One Pound Strains

    No this is a lotta weed: I think some of these were blueberry trainwreck vegged to 5' or so inside before being put outside at the start of the outdoor season. All these plants are reported as exceeding 10lbs dry. Indoor strains work outdors just as well, depending on climate, especially if they...
  4. OregonMeds

    Ron Paul 2012

    The best choice for what reason? After all the lies and bad bills and furthering war spending and TSA and etc etc, why oh why is he a good choice for anything please explain. I see you buy into the bullshit about Social Security being a problem. Why would it be a problem sir, except for...
  5. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    Dude I already explained to you and will again that I wanted to hear you back up your claim of your experience in DNA testing with your words. You are the one who couldn't back up what you said and sent me off to websites. There is no point in me wasting my time looking at links you gave me...
  6. OregonMeds

    Ron Paul 2012

    I'm sure you may have many little examples of obama cutting the fed in some insigificant way or another, but aside from the stimulus package which cost us way more than bush and clearly isn't working he is still getting us deeper into wars, into libya and now japan (humanitarian aid is expensive...
  7. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    You two are seriously thick aren't you? What is your point of all this arguing? You claim all the conspiracy theory stuff is bullshit, yet it all adds up to the murals painted on the walls of a governnment installation and fits exactly with legislation you can look up on line like sb510, FEMA...
  8. OregonMeds

    One Pound Strains

    No, it was the same g13 going around med clubs in cali and oregon and etc, not anything special, good old proven g13. My cut was free when I was a member of a local medical group. Anything you want to know about the biggest yielding strains is in doubled's section of that forum, those people...
  9. OregonMeds

    One Pound Strains

    I don't know about dr greenthumbs g13, I just saw "g13". g13 is a well known strain that's been around a long time and always yielded huge amounts. Doubled's grows used it one or two years ago yielding more than nearly anything in history at that time, now I realize there are alaways a few new...
  10. OregonMeds

    Ron Paul 2012

    Mame you have a point. But now is now and then was then. We have a black president, so all that is irrelevant at this point. Currently the federal government is way out of control and we need someone unafraid to reign it in. I think your argument is outdated and pointless with a black man in...
  11. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    The only thing we know is our government and media can't be trusted period. And no obama is not better than bush, he's taken all this to even worse degrees than bush did. Hell he even called bush after this so called osama killing like a good buddy. Obmama ran on change and the first thing he...
  12. OregonMeds

    One Pound Strains

    g13 is very stinky as is any of the really good strains I've ever had. If you can't handle stink critical mass yields as many pounds as the light and resources you give it. I got 6lbs off 2kw indoors with it, but I still don't reccomend it very highly the quality is just that of "mids". That...
  13. OregonMeds

    How to Change the Pot? I Don't Want to Pull the Plant Out

    If the plant is ready to be repotted you squeeze the pot all around to compress the soil and rootball and turn it upside down and press in the bottom of the pot or shake it out. It will fall out in your hand and the rootball will hold it all together. If it isn't one big rootball yet you...
  14. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    Doc111 we're done with that argument. You claimed to have knowlege on the subject of DNA matching personally, and you could have explained things in your own words and refuted what I said in my own words, but instead you show none of your own experience to back up your claim and instead keep...
  15. OregonMeds

    Ron Paul 2012

    true How can that be reformed in time? Not even possible is it?
  16. OregonMeds

    Ron Paul 2012

    ^^Yep, it was a touchy subject, as touchy as not supporting Israel and thus being called anti semetic. Ron Paul wasn't afraid to stand on the constitution and explain point blank why anything that gives the federal government more power and individual citizens less is wrong. He is 100% right in...
  17. OregonMeds

    Should I Just Finish Flowering These Plants? Or Reveg? Help from a Experienced Grower

    Finish flowering, they're nowhere near what you would want to chop. Flowering time starts all over again from day one. Don't cut anything off, it will slow your next real flowering. I would start some new cuttings now also, just in case you have further problems. It's a bad situation, they...
  18. OregonMeds


    they have them everywhere, yes.
  19. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    "I realize the testing isn't conducted on the 99.9% of the DNA which is shared by most other mammals." That's not what you said originally, not even close. I was upset because what you said was wrong. I got my information on how DNA testing is done from a medical site online googling DNA...
  20. OregonMeds


    It's in full meltdown and they're clueless... We need to fill it with water, no we don't it's fine because the rods have already melted to the bottom so less water is needed? Lets put up a tent of plastic around it, yea that'll contain it. :) D8AoPOooulc This is a nice ride and stroll around a...