Search results

  1. OregonMeds

    75watt HPS Supposedly Cost over 150 Dollars?

    If you were venting your grow and venting heat out of the house and used electric heat during the winter then a 75w light could add 100 a month or more to your bill, all based on how much heat you were venting out of the house and needed to be recreated. Other than that, no, bullshit. If you...
  2. OregonMeds

    2012. Shift in poles? solar flares? safe communities? what do you think?

    Loosing electricity is not a big deal, it just requires more manual work to maintain clean citys without shit and piss all over spreading disease. Anyone that has ever gone camping for a week and survived knows what it's like, but if you have people acting like the midde ages when they didn't...
  3. OregonMeds

    2012. Shift in poles? solar flares? safe communities? what do you think?

    I didn't mean they correctly anticipated the future in the past, what I'm saying is they are actively fulfilling those prophecies and using our superstitions and fear to manipulate us in the present. It's called self fulfilled prophecy. It's very easy to wind people up and make them all fear...
  4. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    The similarities between all humans are completely omitted in DNA matching and selection is based soley on 16 or so random segments that vary from person to person and which don't just mark us as all humans. 16 of 16 never match even in immediate family members they are consistantly different...
  5. OregonMeds


    There is nothing you said here that doesn't equally apply to our good ol USofA. You say something bad about an advertiser or sponsor or contributor or big corporate owner or against what your editor says to say, or whatever doesn't fit right with management, you may get away with just a warning...
  6. OregonMeds

    2012. Shift in poles? solar flares? safe communities? what do you think?

    The truth: SnYobGz2V1I The rest is just a cover story and an excuse to get away with many many things. The oil spills and corexit spraying and wars and bees dying and fish die offs and mass bird deaths are all part of the project, designed to fit with prophecy and take advantage of the...
  7. OregonMeds

    Astral Traveling or Projectory.

    I've tried stuff on youtube that said brainwave entrapment... All kinds of different guided and non guided meditation, also binaural beats and etc. Aside from curiousity the reason for trying this stuff now is because these are stressful times, with all the rumors of potential coming wars and...
  8. OregonMeds

    Trippy Music

    cmnO_rk1GYY 2-jDjkD0QQA Something about the computer voice like synth moving echo towards the end of this fascinates me: AARIbq31jSM trip: 6iIHu8uckX4
  9. OregonMeds

    Which Religion Should I Be? Thinking About Joining a Church

    I like how mormons have to buy special blessed underwear, and scientologists have to buy special blessed water, both with a high markup. That's a sure sign they know the right way to "god" is unrestrained capatalism, greed, and a high markup.
  10. OregonMeds

    Which Religion Should I Be? Thinking About Joining a Church

    You're looking to religion for just social and personal aspects which have litte to do with religion, in which case that's not a bad thing because actual religion of the organized type is more about power and money and control than anything else. Try this on, it's made up of people of all faiths...
  11. OregonMeds

    Must Watch T.V.

    True I haven't, I also refuse to believe in supernatural things which have no basis in proof or facts and are just legend. What would convince me is runnning one over with your car, or shooting one point blank knowing you hit it, and seeing it magically survive unscathed not leaving a trail...
  12. OregonMeds

    Tea party favorite Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts exposed as a farce

    I often wonder when I hear people bash the tea party movement if they even understand it, or if their opinion comes from mainstream media propaganda or just fear of such drastic change. Here is what the tea party really is: The Tea Party is an American populist[1][2][3] political movement...
  13. OregonMeds

    Must Watch T.V.

    They scare the fuck out of you because you believe in the hype. While that guy in the pic you posted does look scary, he couldn't survive a bullet nor do anything supernatural. Magic in older times just meant people knew something you didn't and used it against you. They could have blown a...
  14. OregonMeds

    Trippy Music

    Engorged is how I would describe them. I think this song may have sucked though. I say think because I tried to listen, but I didn't really notice myself listening. :)
  15. OregonMeds

    Astral Traveling or Projectory.

    I've tried everything I've researched and that you guys posted, still getting nowhere fast. I have managed to clear my thoughts better during meditation but so far that's my only progress. Maybe I do need a goat to stare at. :(
  16. OregonMeds

    And So The Hysterical Bullshit Starts Again

    I had to look up hari krishnas since I didn't really know what their deal was. Apparently orange dye is so expensive, only a couple can afford orange hoodies. If it weren't for the skirts and singing (and fanny pack) you might think they're dangerous looking skinheads.
  17. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    Yep no inconsitencies there, or if there are you think it's unimportant? I wasted my time because you have your opinion, and you're going to stick with it no matter what evidence proves otherwise and no matter what the consequences are in believing a lie. That's your choice, good day sir...
  18. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    It means watch his video messages pre 2004, it's the first bin laden. Watch his video messages post 2007 or so it's the darker skinned shorter nose fatter face guy exacty like the pictures show. 2007 Actor bin laden rUiNiB2yVCQ oct 29th 2004...
  19. OregonMeds

    How Does My Antler Pipe Look LIke?

    No legal in this state, or I'd have considered it for sure. Even state legal patients aren't allowed to transfer marijuana for any form of consideration, even if someone were sufferring to death in pain supposedly the only way to legally help them is free, and even that is risky here or so I...