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  1. Anubis Toke

    Marijuana Withdrawal

    I feel your pain bro, I have to stop smoking here for about four months if my ass wants to stay a free woman. I am on probation sadly... and what pisses me off the most is that they hardly care about the "hard" drugs... yet they rip you a new one if you smoke a little weed... doesn't make any...
  2. Anubis Toke

    Advice Please!

    Thanks for the help! I just picked those two up for about $15 each. Quite affordable, I must say! More lighting could be a problem as you can see in the photos, I just rigged them up with chain and over a pole, and all of the weight is hanging from a measly nail! An accident just waiting to happen!
  3. Anubis Toke

    How Does My Antler Pipe Look LIke?

    That's a fine pipe! How did you make it if I may ask? I found an old animal bone off the side of the road, a little gross some may think, I like to think otherwise... I put it in hydrogen peroxide to rid of any bacteria that may be in there before I would even consider boiling it. Baking it is a...
  4. Anubis Toke

    Advice Please!

    Hey guys and gals, I hope you are all having a nice, stoned evening. Cheers to you, as I am not stoned right now... my wallet is hungry for money... yikes! Haha.:wall: Anyway, more importantly... I wanted to show you all what kind of grow I am doing and I really, truly want to know what you all...
  5. Anubis Toke

    Hello everyone- I'm NEW!

    Haha, yeah I wasn't sure how it'd go. Thanks for the tip again! :D
  6. Anubis Toke

    I'm Pretty High Off Of OG Purps;)

    My favorite kind of high is definitely the head high, body highs are nice too, however not my preference. :D
  7. Anubis Toke

    A link would be great! I am still getting the hang of things, ya know. Thanks! :D

    A link would be great! I am still getting the hang of things, ya know. Thanks! :D
  8. Anubis Toke

    I'm Pretty High Off Of OG Purps;)

    Hey guys, I hope that's not offense....:eyesmoke: but I just thought I would share that this is some good stuff! I bought this through a guy though... not through a dispensary or a collective. =[ Ah well, anyways, what is your favorite kind of cannabis? :lol:
  9. Anubis Toke

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Hey thanks! Yep, they just began to bud, they are only little popcorn sized ones, haha. Can't wait til I harvest
  10. Anubis Toke

    My Grow Set-Up Show YOURS!

    Hey guys and gals, this is my set-up. As you can see I only have two lonesome females in their flower right now. They are under two 55-WATT CFLs, they have a small fan blowing on them, a small water jug (to help humidity), the area is lined with mylar, and the lights are set on a timer of 12/12...
  11. Anubis Toke

    Worried Here! Help!

    By the way, I took a jeweler's loop to the underside of the leaves and I couldn't see any sign of a small pest... possibly the lens isn't strong enough or I just am plain-out not seeing a damn thing! Any help is immensely appreciated!
  12. Anubis Toke

    Worried Here! Help!

    Hey guys, I have two problems! I'm not sure if I am just a worry-wort or these could be some tough problems... I'm a grower of only two females. They're just bagseed in a hempy bucket hydro set-up underneath two 55-WATT CFLs. I noticed today while tending to my babes that there was a BEETLE...
  13. Anubis Toke

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Hey guys! I took some pictures of my grow (first time!). I uploaded them to my journal and I am doing LST on one of my beautiful babes that are currently in flower! I realize I am new... so please bare with me. :) My husband and I are fooling around with a, what we like to call a "poor-man's...
  14. Anubis Toke

    Hello everyone- I'm NEW!

    Welcome, as you see I am new too! Thanks for the tip again! Cool stuff, got some reading and posting to do haha!
  15. Anubis Toke

    Hello everyone- I'm NEW!

    Thanks! Great idea, lime- I will start a journal matter o' fact! I have had a written journal that I labeled "My Cannabis Tracker" tehe! However, I abandoned it... I s'pose it's never too late to pick it up again. Haha. I like the online-journal idea though. And thanks Derple! It is a happy grow ;)
  16. Anubis Toke

    Hello everyone- I'm NEW!

    Greetings everyone! After about a month of trying to make an account, I gave up thinking that I could never make an account here. However, today I looked for shits and giggles and WHA-LA! I noticed that rollitup changed the way you register your account and immediately created this. Success...