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  1. potberto

    jjust click it

    Best thing I've found to flavor my bud - the Glade plug-in air freshners.. You just open the little packet of the gel air freshner shit, and smear it all over your buds. Let it dry for a day or two and that shit tastes SOOOO good.. My favorite is the wild cherry. Try it!
  2. potberto

    Round 2.. FIGHT! 400w HPS.. White Widow, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and Burmese Kush..

    Oh, and the Burmese Kush is still tiny.. Not sure why that fucker isn't growing but I've named it "Webster". I'll probably pull her out of the closet when I flip the switch, and veg her another 3-4 weeks elsewhere.
  3. potberto

    Concealed Weapons Permit effected by MMJ Liscense

    I'm pretty sure in CA you will lose your CCW if you have a MMJ ticket.. Federally it's a mind altering psychotic crazy drug still. EDIT: Here's something I found: A Washington state medical marijuana activist who nearly killed an intruder in his home this month has been barred from buying...
  4. potberto

    Round 2.. FIGHT! 400w HPS.. White Widow, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and Burmese Kush..

    Few new pics from this morning.. I was planning on vegging another two weeks or so, but these plants are getting a bit big.. I know that the Master kush will double to triple when in flowering.. I think I might have to do this sooner than later!! I mean, I want big plants, but my closet isn't...
  5. potberto

    Check Out These Clones

    ^^ That's exactly what happened.. I have a frisian clone that did the same thing. It's still in veg and you should see it now. The center stalk is now fat with other fat ones coming out all over, it's going to be a big producer.. :D This is it when it finally rooted after about a month, and...
  6. potberto

    8 weeks all white hairs whyyy??/

    I'd say two - three more weeks there.. Relax, you came this far :) I've found most indicas actually finish closer to 9-11 weeks. Hydro a little sooner. Good luck
  7. potberto

    My first closet grow - 400w HPS, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and more!

    I gotcha.. Not sure, probably just a bit different genetics. End product should be similar :) And if you think that one is nice, look at my new grow thread with a clipping off that plant. It's a bush and hasn't started flowering yet. And a buddy of mine created a REAL monster with a...
  8. potberto

    Round 2.. FIGHT! 400w HPS.. White Widow, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and Burmese Kush..

    Ok, I just did a foliar feeding for all four of them. Didn't have all the stuff in your recipes, but I did have some MG tomato plant food that was safe for foliar. I did 1tsp for a gallon, and a couple drops of dish detergent. I sprayed it all over them like a bukake session :D We'll see what...
  9. potberto

    Round 2.. FIGHT! 400w HPS.. White Widow, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and Burmese Kush..

    Ahh, verrrry eenteresting. Thanks for the link, I'm going to try this :)
  10. potberto

    Round 2.. FIGHT! 400w HPS.. White Widow, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and Burmese Kush..

    So yeah.. Any tips to speed up this little BuKu's growth? It's over a month old, should I just start hitting it with high N nutes?
  11. potberto

    Round 2.. FIGHT! 400w HPS.. White Widow, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and Burmese Kush..

    This is Round two. After a very successful round one! I have four plants. Three were clones, and the Burmese Kush was from a fem seed from TH Seeds. It's growing a little slowly but hoping that picks up soon. I will be vegging these girls under CFLs for about another three weeks or so. The three...
  12. potberto

    My first closet grow - 400w HPS, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and more!

    Both butterscotches were from seeds and both were male unfortunately. I grew one out and collected his sperm though and made about 5-10 beans on each of these plants so I should be good to go for next season. Right now I just have another Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and I planted a fem seed of...
  13. potberto

    My mutant

    That plant looks awesome. Please take some more pictures if you can! Good luck!
  14. potberto

    Bud Porn

    Like said already - you're talking end of April, beginning of May for harvest.. And get a better light as they're stretching a lot and looking kinda sparse. Good luck
  15. potberto

    My first closet grow - 400w HPS, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and more!

    I actually used Miracle grow Organic on the MK right there.. For nutes I used the GH Flora series (micro, grow, bloom). Also towards the end used Molasses on every other water. I wish I vegged the MK longer but I saw preflowers and got excited.. The good news is I gave a buddy of mine a...
  16. potberto

    First Closest Grow ever

    Plant at least three more seeds now. Worst thing is growing for a month and a half to realize that Lawanda is actually Leroy. If you only have room for one big plant, just keep the strongest female. Trust me.
  17. potberto

    Day 22 Flower - Lemon Skunk

    That's one of my favs!! You're going to be a very happy Panda!!! That shit smells just like lemon lysol - it's fuckin intense. I think I'm gunna have to pack a bowl of it now - you got me droolin :D Good luck
  18. potberto

    how long does it take for master kush to flower/??PICS!!

    My Nirvana MK went 10-10.5 wks from 12-12 after pistols were showing. By those pics you have like 3 weeks left.. Sometimes they just take a little longer.. Can't rush perfection!! :D The Master Kush is just that :)
  19. potberto

    Miracle grow organic potting soil????

    Miracle grow Organic works fine. It's full of bugs usually though so I won't use it. It's produced big dank nugs though no prob - but at the cost of fungus gnats and other creepy crawlies. I'd suggest finding a big block of compressed coco if you can!
  20. potberto

    My first closet grow - 400w HPS, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and more!

    The MK got me 45'ish grams dry. That shit is sooo dank now after a month + cure.