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  1. potberto

    lying about yeild

    It's not too hard to get those numbers off of one plant. Veg it for a while and top/LST the crap out of it. My last KC36 plant under a 400w just got me a hair under 4oz. Not hard to do if you have a little room. A buddy of mine grows monsters and gets 7-9oz's a plant regularly. Ask him to...
  2. potberto

    Finally chopped my KC36 plant.. Harvest pics!

    Buds are dried. Everything clipped off the stems - pure bud weight was 107 grams! 5 grams shy of four ounces!!! That was a good pull :) And I rolled a big fat joint of it yesterday - got me and my buddies alll fuuuuuged. Sooo... I'm happy :) Wooooot!
  3. potberto

    Finally chopped my KC36 plant.. Harvest pics!

    Actually quite the opposite.. The buds smell very fragrant almost perfumey.. The closet thing I can compare to is a blooming hyacinth plant.. Very very fragrant. I'm sure when it's all dry it's going to be very tasty and good. The pics make it look a little greener than it was too. The buds...
  4. potberto

    Finally chopped my KC36 plant.. Harvest pics!

    Yah, like I said they could have gone another couple weeks, but with the mites, the size, and the fact that I have four others that out-grew my veg-box - it all made sense. I pulled a couple small nugs and dried them quick in a CFL and they got me and my buddy baked off our asses...
  5. potberto

    Finally chopped my KC36 plant.. Harvest pics!

    I got the NEEM concentrate that you mix two tablespoons with a gallon of water, then use as a spray. It kills on contact so I sprayed the room down till the walls and floor were dripping with it... Don't think that'll do it?! And thanks for the good words!! Superlevs - 85-90g would make me...
  6. potberto

    Pictures of KC36 plant - 6wks of flower + problem with plant

  7. potberto

    Finally chopped my KC36 plant.. Harvest pics!

    This plant was like 4-5 months old.. Veg'd under CFL's and finished under a 400w HPS. Grown in soil then coco, and used GH Flora nutes + molasses. My buddy started it from seed, and it out-grew his area pretty quickly. I had to adopt it so I grew it out and we split the reward. Chopped her on...
  8. potberto

    Pictures of KC36 plant - 6wks of flower + problem with plant

    First I got nute burn, now light burn :) I'm pretty sure it's normal right now for a plant about to be harvested. Speaking of which, this morning I broke out the old cyber-eye and spied some amber trichs. I also spotted a few spidey mites walking around - she dies tonight. I will take...
  9. potberto

    LST, Am I doing this right!? Good or bad idea..?

    Only thing I would suggest is not using string. It's OK now, but after time will cut into your plant and cause problems. Go to Walmart in the crafts section and get a package of pipe cleaners. They work great and are very gentle so you won't cut the plants. Good luck
  10. potberto

    What's best way to keep temps down in closet grow space?

    I have a 400w in my closet and had the same temp prob the first day. Got up to the 90's.. I took a 4" hole saw to the ceiling and put a small fan under it pointing up. Above the closet is my attic so it blows in there. Now temps don't go above 75 - perfect. Hate to say it but you need an...
  11. potberto

    Pictures of KC36 plant - 6wks of flower + problem with plant

    I can't wait for the final product :) My buddy has a clipping off it in veg that's bigger than this one and still vegging :) And I did a 16 gallon flush with just a little molasses in the last gallon :) I'll be sure to update with dry weight in a couple weeks.
  12. potberto

    Pictures of KC36 plant - 6wks of flower + problem with plant

    I really don't think I over-fertilized it - what makes you say that?? It hasn't had any nutes in over a week, and before that it would get nutes every second watering or every 8-10 days. So what makes you think it's over-nuted? And of course there's drain holes, what do you think I am? haha
  13. potberto

    Pictures of KC36 plant - 6wks of flower + problem with plant

    Just a little update.. Here we are into the 10th week of flowering. Checked this morning and all the trichs are cloudy, no more clear, and only saw one or two ambers.. I think I'm going to give it till this Friday then chop. This Friday will be week 11 on the dot. She really bulked up since...
  14. potberto

    Best way to dry bud for sampling??

    Testing buds is a great way to see how your buds would be if you were to harvest now. I always sample a small bud off the plant a week or so before harvest jusdt to make sure all is well. I've found the best way is to trim a couple small buds that will easily fit inside a CFL light bulb...
  15. potberto

    Seeds from the 70s

    Plant them!! I've stored seeds in a regular ziplock in a drawer for over five years. They all germ overnight when put in water.. I think the average seed is a bit hardier than people think! I bet the seeds from the 70's will germ if they're healthy.
  16. potberto

    Does She Exist?(prob not)

    I already married her!! Sorry bro!! :D
  17. potberto

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Here's a couple babies I got LST'ed right now. They're in veg and will be for another month and a half. This will be my summer supply so I need them to get big :) Master Kush - I grew out the mom that this clone came from and got primo primo long rock hard sticky buds.. So I am very glad I...
  18. potberto

    Never seen this - fan leaves growing mutant blades.

    Like they were planted near a nuclear reactor!! :D This is a friend's AK plant that unfortunately turned out to be male. He will be collecting pollen for breeding purposes. Some of the fan leaves have these billy goat beards growing out of them. Really weird. He said some have three...
  19. potberto

    Trying to determine sex. is this male?

    I think it's a male.