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  1. MJG420

    4 Strain monster grow!

    Will try to get pics up for you guys this afternoon, haven't been home in the past two days to do so. Hopefully by now I have pretty good sign of flowering, last time I checked on them(3 days ago)they were just starting to show but were definatly starting to get their stretch on! :-)
  2. MJG420

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Nice looking plants, can't wait to try this shit out myself!
  3. MJG420

    4 Strain monster grow!

    Thanks, I wish I had pics from before I put them under the 1,000w to veg for a few weeks prior to flowering(they had previously been under a T5). Long story short they had been butchered for clones and looked like SHIT! Transplanted them n removed 1/3-1/2 the root ball and put into lager pots...
  4. MJG420

    4 Strain monster grow!

    The PB is a great strain, came across it in the shop I go to for meds when I am out of my own and happened to come across it on CL and picked a few up. :) If i could find pics I would upload some from the last run I did with the PB which ended up turning a bit purple towards the end of the...
  5. MJG420

    4 Strain monster grow!

    Been awhile since I have posted a grow journal so I figured what the hell! :-) To start off I have 4 different strains I am flowering this round, 3 of which were started from seed a few months ago and the other I procured from another local grower. The strains are White Berry, Jack Widow...
  6. MJG420

    When to lollipop?

    No need to wait really. I personally cut mine in veg when I top/take clones, no sense in the plant wasting energy and time on branches that will not produce. Just my thoughts :)
  7. MJG420


    I am looking for OMMP patients in need of a grower/caregiver. I am a legal patient myself and am just looking to help others that lack the green thumb to produce their own meds. I am willing to provide 1-1.5Oz a month with a $175 donation towards costs related to growing your meds, you will...
  8. MJG420

    I'm BACK!

    How is everyone on here doing? I haven't been on here in forever, just 5 days short of 2 years and let me tell you what a lot has happened in that time! For starters I have recently relocated back home to Oregon and am now a LEGAL MJ patient/grower. Had some major legal issues back in Iowa...
  9. MJG420

    Hey man dunno if your still around here our not but I haven't been on here in a MINUTE bro. Hit...

    Hey man dunno if your still around here our not but I haven't been on here in a MINUTE bro. Hit me back if you get this
  10. MJG420

    Whats goin on Boneman? Haven't talked to you in a minute man! How the hell are ya?

    Whats goin on Boneman? Haven't talked to you in a minute man! How the hell are ya?
  11. MJG420

    Im BACK!!

    Finally after almost a year i have gotten another computer!!!!! I have been going insane without one.
  12. MJG420

    White Berry And Super Skunk

    Thanks man, been awhile since I have been able to get one here seeing as I have no computer. Things are goin a little bit better now, I have moved since my shit got taken. Buying my first house!!!!!!! All was goin good till last week at work, My wrist got fractured in one spot and dislocated...
  13. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Just thought I'd let everyone know that I got robbed the other day, dunno who it was but they got ALL my bud from my harvest. They also got off with my 32 inch HDTV and my laptop. My laptop is prolly the worst part because it has ALL of my pictures from the hospital when my son was born, I...
  14. MJG420

    White Berry And Super Skunk

    Ok guys I have had prolly the 2nd worst thing happen to me that could of. I got off work Wednesday afternoon and got home to my front door open and one of my widows broke out. I was robbed, they took my 32 inch LCD HDTV, My Laptop, and ALL OF MY FUCKIN BUD THAT I WORKED MY ASS OFF...
  15. MJG420

    White Berry And Super Skunk

    Thanks man, I had alot of fun
  16. MJG420

    my first cfl grow!

    Nice Lookin girls
  17. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Here it is guys its not much, if ya have any questions just ask.
  18. MJG420

    White Berry And Super Skunk

    OK guys here it is finally!!!!!!!!!! Strain:White Berry Growth:Average/On The Shorter Side Tho Nutes:Flora Nova Grow/Bloom and a little dose of Gravity about 2 weeks before harvest Yeild: Decent almost 2 and 3/4 Ozs in a 2.75 X 2.75 area with 400 watts Bag Appeal:Coulda been better if I hadn't...
  19. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    OK guys I SWEAR even if I haveta stay up all night I will have a smoke report up. Got WAYYY too fucked up Sat night for the 4th, felt like shit all day Sunday and most of yesterday. Will post the link for it when its done.
  20. MJG420

    400w Auto Grow...

    I saw a journal with somone growin White Shark, been awhile tho. Great lookin shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hump: