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  1. MJG420

    How long does it take to process donation that i made?

    NP man, I do wut I can
  2. MJG420

    why do people hang buds?

    lets see here, if you lay them down and dont turn them constantly they could mold due to the fact that there is no air moving around the bud. It would work but you would haveta keep a close eye on em
  3. MJG420

    Need Help W Attitude Order!!!

    thanks man
  4. MJG420

    Need Help W Attitude Order!!!

  5. MJG420

    Need Help W Attitude Order!!!

    LMAO thats too funny
  6. MJG420

    what purple strain is this?

    I have a White Berry that is growin now, gettin into the last few weeks of flowering now. I just gotta find a way to drop the temps, The buds are just BEAUTIFUL would love to see em purple.
  7. MJG420

    Need Help W Attitude Order!!!

    I was always nervous about orderin seeds online, my first order I used my moms card and all went well. My second order I just used my debit card, nobody had come knockin yet!!!! I wouldn't worry bout it a whole lot.
  8. MJG420

    Doogleef plays in the dirt - Lots o pics

    DAMN!!!!!!!!!!! bout harvest time!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. MJG420

    How long does it take to process donation that i made?
  10. MJG420

    How long does it take to process donation that i made?

    I donated back on the 16th, I have sent PMs to admin and have gotten no reply yet. WTF is goin on?
  11. MJG420

    Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...

    Good to hear you have someone reliable to look after your girls while your gone, Wish I had been as lucky. My roomie didn't overwater mine he just didn't water them.
  12. MJG420

    Doogleef plays in the dirt - Lots o pics

    AMEN to that!!!!! Mine don't look have bad either:hump:
  13. MJG420

    Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...

    nah im not much of a bb man myself, I just stick to Football. Hell you couldn't ask for more a week away from home, whos watchin your girls while ur gone?
  14. MJG420

    First grow- 16 plant White Berry sog

    WOW talk about being fuckin lucky, its a felony here punishable by up to 5 years for like 1 or 2 plants, 10 years if u have more than that cause they think u are trafficing. Plus Tax Evasion for not havin a stamp, I dunno never hear of any grows getting busted in the area. Only idiot dealers...
  15. MJG420

    Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...

    That was my thoughts exactly, my room has been locked up since I started. I need to go get another lock for my temp vegging room upstairs tho, it doesn't have a lock right now. Although I'm not too worried about it, landlord doesn't even stop by to pick up the rent anymore. I take it to the...
  16. MJG420

    Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...

    Dood have u checked out our buddie GDBs journal, his shit got busted man.
  17. MJG420

    Doogleef plays in the dirt - Lots o pics

    I would say so
  18. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Thanks man
  19. MJG420

    First grow- 16 plant White Berry sog

    OUCH BROTHER, that fucking sucks ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is part of the reason I have my shit locked up, wont havta worry bout it in a couple months, buying a house. Keep us updated man! Sorry to hear about the bad luck