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  1. MJG420

    So I tried Shrooms the other night...

    LMAO no shit!!!!!!!!!! I have tried Salvia a few time, but never Acid or Shrooms. I can't ever seem to find either one, although my buddie has been tellin me that he has a friend that can get em. I have yet to see any tho, considering trying to grow thoes too just to see if I can do it.
  2. MJG420

    1st Grow Ever!!! 150w HPS White Widow(aerogarden)/Mazar-I-Sharrif/Bagseed

    Hell of a grow you have goin on!!!! Can't wait to see how these ladies turn out
  3. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Grandmas I believe, I did flush with ph'd water with molasses. As far as molasses bein worth it I can't really say cause I didn't ever finish a grow without it. I will drop in, thanks for stopin by
  4. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Yeah been kinda nice to see people still checkin for the drama, it has pretty much dies down. Keepin a low profile, haven't been talking to a whole lot of people. I need to get a smoke report done, been wayyy too fuckin high to motivate myself for that. With my son for the weekend...
  5. MJG420

    400w Auto Grow...

    I want a vaporizer sooo bad, don't suppose I could get the link from ya.
  6. MJG420

    400w Auto Grow...

    Looks like another great setup GKN, cant wait to see how the rhynoberry turns out. deff subscribed for this one
  7. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Fuck yeah man, u have no ideal.....:weed: Great shit will have a smoke report this weekend.....Hell yeah man I will stop in and check it out
  8. MJG420

    Low Life Autoflowering Mix - Grow Journal

    DAMN bro!!!!! Sorry to hear that, try again dont give up man!!!!bongsmilie Just be a bit more careful next time.
  9. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    damn thats crazy, I took everything I had out last week. Just took down my shit all together, movin in a month or so anyway. A shame tho cause the SS I had growin I will never get back unless I but another seed, oh well I guess thats why I have a bunch of others to choose from. Will start...
  10. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Haha, thanks man. Thats alot of readin, Like I said I did my research before I started up.
  11. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Possibly, I dunno will see what happens. Yeah for sure, I am moving again in a month or so. Deff will not be tellin anyone SHIT if and when I do start up again. ewwwwwww, LOL.....Thanks man.....I dunno till I fell it is safe again, have already been parinoid as hell just havin em and now...
  12. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    OH yeah I almost forgot, It is so fuckin great not havin to smoke this shitty ass schwag round here anymore atleast for awhile. Had a buddie come over and smoked a bowl of some brick with me and I couldn't stand it. Gonna SUCK when I run out!!!!!!!
  13. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Coming soon, gonna let this shit cure for awhile. Will prolly put one up for the Super Skunk later this week.
  14. MJG420

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    Here is a couple pics from my recent harvest. The flavor is amazing! Strain is White Berry, got 77g from just one plant with 400W. Thats just over 5 Ozs total for my first grow!!!! Took just over 3 months.
  15. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Here are pics of my WB after drying, almost 3 O's off her!!!!!!:hump: I can't believe it. Final Weight was 75.6g, some super dank shit. She off to cure for awhile, SS has been curing for about 2 weeks now has a super smooth taste. Few more weeks!!!! I filled twice as many 1/2 pint jars with...
  16. MJG420

    2009 Early Start Monster Outdoor Competition

    I finally got out to check on the two girls I put out 2 weeks ago today. The White Berry seems to have disappeared, dunno wut happened to her. The Super Skunk on the other hand is still alive, but isn't lookin too swell. Although she has grown a little she is not dark green in color like she...
  17. MJG420

    Heppy Fathersday!

    Wish I could say the same, I don't even really kno my father. I have hated this day up untill now, but still all day have been tearin up. Have been with my son since Friday, just got back home.
  18. MJG420

    Heppy Fathersday!

    Thanks man
  19. MJG420

    My autoflowering problem

    I had the same problem with my Autos, they almost did nothing for a month other than sprout up. I think some of it has to do with the genetics.
  20. MJG420

    Heppy Fathersday!

    Just wanted to stop in and say Happy Fathersday to everyone! This is my first Fathersday, couldn't be happier. Hope everyone has a great day.