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  1. PlantLover300

    Problems 5 weeks in flower

    Looks like either cal or mag deficiency. Both look similar.
  2. PlantLover300

    Week 6 of 11 flowering. Some weird leaves

    Looks like calcium issue. But calcium is a non mobile nutrient so it would show up in new growth before old growth.
  3. PlantLover300

    Light bleaching?

    Does this look like light bleaching? These fan leaves were near the top cola. I cut them off to provide more light to the other colas and bud sites. 2 weeks into flower. Does this look like like bleaching? Plant looks great otherwise these couple leaves. Had the light like 6-8" away from top...
  4. PlantLover300

    First Grow Ever - 5x5 Tent 600Watt HPS Jack Herrer

    10 days into flowering. I started the 12/12 on October 27, 2016 Have to move the light up every couple of days the plants are stretching that's for sure. The monster in the middle has so many "tops", that I assume will be mini colas! So excited! The one in the right rear corner also has a lot...
  5. PlantLover300

    First Grow Ever - 5x5 Tent 600Watt HPS Jack Herrer

    Yeah I guess we will see the stretch... But its a 7 foot tent so.
  6. PlantLover300

    First Grow Ever - 5x5 Tent 600Watt HPS Jack Herrer

    Update 10/21/2016 Any tips? Plants have been vegging for almost 2 months. I am going to turn the lights to 12/12 in a week. Here are the latest pictures. Here are a couple of shots of my largest baby. I have no clue why some plants grew slowly and others are huge.... This was before...
  7. PlantLover300

    First Grow Ever - 5x5 Tent 600Watt HPS Jack Herrer

    Thank you. Yes they sure do! They are doing so much better. Super excited they are really taking off.
  8. PlantLover300

    First Grow Ever - 5x5 Tent 600Watt HPS Jack Herrer

    Update. 10/04/2016 picture. Today I trimmed up a couple of leaves that were yellowing or blocking light to new stems and nodes. I also Supercropped some branches on the smaller tighter plants. Before super cropping. After super cropping. Supercropped smaller plant. The plant I...
  9. PlantLover300

    Male or Female???

    Yeah too early to tell.
  10. PlantLover300

    First Grow Ever - 5x5 Tent 600Watt HPS Jack Herrer

    Update. 9/27/2016 picture.
  11. PlantLover300

    Yellow and wilting plants

    Cant believe you are flowering such a small plant...
  12. PlantLover300

    Need some Jack Herer Grow Advice.

    There are spade pre flowers with two white pistols out of each so I know there are 4 females.
  13. PlantLover300

    My plants are sick ...whats wrong ????

    Looks like calcium issue?
  14. PlantLover300

    First Grow Ever - 5x5 Tent 600Watt HPS Jack Herrer

    So. Update. Plants have been growing faster and look better after upping my fan to keep temps a little cooler. I also repotted each of the plants which are ALL FEMALES. What is the luck of that. Into smart 5 gallon grow bags. I'm using Roots Organic. Dumped the miracle grow and tried to remove...
  15. PlantLover300

    Please help me save my plants if it's even possible

    First off. What soil are you using and have you fertilized with anything yet? Looks like nutrient burn to me. Then it looks like its reacting to the overwatering (flush). What are you using as your potting soil. Any amendments? How long has the plant been in veg?
  16. PlantLover300

    Need some Jack Herer Grow Advice.

    Does anyone have some advice?
  17. PlantLover300

    Need some Jack Herer Grow Advice.

    My plants have been planted from seed about 3 weeks ago. I have two really nice larger plants about 6"-7" tall. Then I have 3 runts. But they are starting to pick up some speed on their growth. I planted 5 seeds and have identified for sure 3 females. Pretty sure one of the others is a female...
  18. PlantLover300

    600 Watt HPS Air Cooled Hood Distance To 18 day old plants?

    Looking for the range I should have my 600 Watt HPS Air Cooled Hood Distance To 18 day old plants? Pic attached for reference. Currently around 14" from canopy to glass shield.
  19. PlantLover300

    2.5 weeks of growth. Are these plants growing slow?

    See the leaves perked back up. Also one of my plants looks like it has a preflower. Looks female thoughts?