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  1. PlantLover300

    2.5 weeks of growth. Are these plants growing slow?

    You say the light is too close? Will that harm the plants? They don't seem to be burning or anything.
  2. PlantLover300

    2.5 weeks of growth. Are these plants growing slow?

    Yeah the soil is MG and it burned the lower leaves on a couple of plants. I haven't fertilized at all. Knowing the soil has it in it. So hoping the plants can get larger so they will be less likely to get burned. I had a thread on the issue a couple of days ago in the help section...
  3. PlantLover300

    2.5 weeks of growth. Are these plants growing slow?

    More like under watering them honestly. I let the soil dry very well before watering I have a soil moisture meter I used. I just watered them about 30 mins before that picture. The ambient temps and canopy temps are 79-82 so I don't think there's a heat issue. Late in the evening for me so...
  4. PlantLover300

    2.5 weeks of growth. Are these plants growing slow?

    Planted on 8/25/2016 germinated and sprouted on 8/30/2016 So these plants are about 18 days old. The pots are 6" pots for reference.
  5. PlantLover300

    Early signs of A male?

    Looks like a male to me.
  6. PlantLover300

    How hot is the air coming out of 600w air cool reflector

    They have a lot of lights. Like their entire house is a giant grow. The biggest thing is the tent keeps temps down by having air circulating. Dont know what to tell you buddy. They are mainly looking for warehouses with hot spots I bet. Not peoples houses or apartments LOL.
  7. PlantLover300

    How hot is the air coming out of 600w air cool reflector

    Hard to say but I can say that you can hold your hand on the glass and it wont burn you or be very hot with a good inline fan running the exhaust wont be very different from your ambient temps.
  8. PlantLover300

    How hot is the air coming out of 600w air cool reflector

    The exhaust air temp? Not that hot. Maybe a couple degrees above your ambient temp.
  9. PlantLover300

    First Grow Ever - 5x5 Tent 600Watt HPS Jack Herrer

    Plant number 4 Plant number 5
  10. PlantLover300

    First Grow Ever - 5x5 Tent 600Watt HPS Jack Herrer

    I'd like to first start out with this is my first cannabis grow. I have always been intrigued by a plant that has so much stigma around it. How can growing a plant that grows naturally from the ground be so illegal? I am a huge plant lover! Vegetables, peppers, fruit, anything beautiful and...
  11. PlantLover300

    Is this female or male or what? You tell me....

    Yeah as stated before too early to tell.
  12. PlantLover300

    Transplanted outdoor plant indoors

    Doesnt look like cannabis LOL.
  13. PlantLover300

    What's wrong?

    LMFAO. What in the hell.
  14. PlantLover300

    I dropped my pot and plant!!!

    Your bottom leaves look exactly like mine started to look on my seedlings. What soil are you using? Miracle Grow?
  15. PlantLover300

    Cannabis Seedling Weird issue. 2 week old plant.

    Bump? Any one else have an opinion?
  16. PlantLover300

    Cannabis Seedling Weird issue. 2 week old plant.

    The grow tent temperature range stats basically a constant 78-80 degrees and at night going down to maybe 70. But I don't really understand the canopy temperature and how to control that other than adjusting the distance of the light. I set it at 18". I am running the lights on a 18/6 cycle.
  17. PlantLover300

    Cannabis Seedling Weird issue. 2 week old plant.

    Then by your method of measuring my light is only 14" above the tops of my plants. I am assuming that is too close. Didnt realize a couple inches had so much impact. I will raise the light to 18" and take my canopy temps again. Information on my setup. Its a 8" xtrasun 84 hood with an open...
  18. PlantLover300

    Cannabis Seedling Weird issue. 2 week old plant.

    Placed thermometer at level with top of pots and it read 90 degrees. I am surprised to see that. What are acceptable canopy temps? Do I measure my light distance from the glass? It is air cooled. Or the actual bulb/reflector behind the glass?
  19. PlantLover300

    Cannabis Seedling Weird issue. 2 week old plant.

    This is a 2 week old Jack Herrer plant that I have grown from seed. It has been growing very well and looked amazingly healthy until this morning. I check on my plants and the biggest ones have this weird leaf issue I have researched and have no idea what it could be. And want to correct the...