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  1. PassTheBiff

    Where will the buds form?

    cheers for the help! since i asked the question the girls are starting to get all hairy (never been so happy to see a hairy lady ;) )
  2. PassTheBiff

    Where will the buds form?

    Currently 18 days into flowering under 12/12 light my girls are starting to show signs of budding (few white hairs, few teeny tiny buds coming through) but the way i trained them (trimmed top leaves a few times, can't really be seen from the pic but on 3 separate occasions i cut the topmost...
  3. PassTheBiff

    Is this nute burn? :S

    thanks for all the feedback! okay, watered them today with 4 ml in 3 liters (serious cutback from what they were on) Unfortunately this time round i can't afford the red light :/ will there be a problem? or will i still get smokeable buds from this? (growing for myself (Fed up of getting ripped...
  4. PassTheBiff

    Is this nute burn? :S

    just today started week six, after a full week of flowering (things got sketch so decided it was time) watered at the start of flowering with recommended concentrations (7ml/L) of canna grow, think theres small budding sites starting to come through on my top cola (on laptop so picture isn't the...
  5. PassTheBiff

    Secondary growths? (pics will come, soon)

    Started LST on the skinny specimen (as she's know known ;) ) godda admit its therapeutic, planning where you want her to grow... pinning her down, and been seeing quick results! Pics soon! promise (possibly tomorrow)
  6. PassTheBiff

    Secondary growths? (pics will come, soon)

    also, should i wait until the nodes begin to alternate? i don't really have a time schedule as I'm growing "just because it can be done" no profits gonna be made so its just my own percy smoke ;) as much, and as potent as possible would be nice :P
  7. PassTheBiff

    Secondary growths? (pics will come, soon)

    shocking is fine! theres a serious size difference (turns out one plant was getting slightly more light than the other, and at 300 watt that makes a difference!) one plant is beautifully bushy, the other, is wonderfully strong and thin, but short in comparison , (still packing four nodes with...
  8. PassTheBiff

    Secondary growths? (pics will come, soon)

    Okay so checked on my plants today, looking very happy, if a little light burnt (Whoops!) lifted the lights and had a look, theres secondary growths coming out of every node on both plants (4 nodes per plant in total) are secondary growths increasing the number of budding sites? or should they...
  9. PassTheBiff

    Would like some feedback?

    Back again (sorry! haha) so much has changed since that last pick, stopping foliar hasn't effected growth much, and the nute burn has stopped advancing (i assume the dead bits of leaf are lost forever?) What do we think?!
  10. PassTheBiff

    Would like some feedback?

    okay, so foliar feeding is a no go, and i clearly need to give my plants a nute break then, so should i start building up again from nothing for a few weeks? I assume stopping and going back in after the break at my current strength would be just as stupid as not giving them a break at all? and...
  11. PassTheBiff

    Would like some feedback?

    little bit begrudging to stop foliar feeding on account of the increased growth from when i started :S but I'm new to all this so will do some more research on it with your advice in mind, And i thought nute burn only occurred from spillage onto the plant itself? I've never spilled any nutes on...
  12. PassTheBiff

    Would like some feedback?

    So i'm on day 19 of vegging, under a 300W CFL at 18/6 Growing in Canna Coco professional plus Been feeding on occasion (only used about 2 liters of nute mix per plant (Ionic Coco Grow 7ml/liter) ) and been foilar feeding every couple of days about 40 minutes before lights out (found this was the...
  13. PassTheBiff

    Plants at different heights

    Okay, i'm back, plants have grown a lot in 8 days, but i'm unsure of their progress, On day 18 of the grow (know they're not the best picks) Same 300W bulb, added nutes the first few days but upon reading i've backed off now), and foilar fed on and off I know plant 2 looks like it has yellow...
  14. PassTheBiff

    Whats your lowest ever yield?

    Can't imagine anyone's asked this one :P What was the lowest yield you've ever had? from how many plants, and where do you think it went wrong? People could learn from your mistakes :D PTB:bigjoint:
  15. PassTheBiff

    To spray or not to spray? (leaves)

    Good to know, so mostly plain H2O with soap? (makes sense i guess) so foliar feeding is really only best for small seedling plants? but i assume if you moved to a high P nute when your flowering this'll boost bud production? Plants are on night cycle now will apply some of this next day cycle...
  16. PassTheBiff

    To spray or not to spray? (leaves)

    AH of course, haha makes sense now :P cheers! does your wetting agent have nutes or not?
  17. PassTheBiff

    To spray or not to spray? (leaves)

    dish soap to reduce surface tension? this not risky? (don't want soapy green lol)
  18. PassTheBiff

    Is this green fungus on my soil good or bad

    helpful lol new to this but yeah, over water could produce mold, especially in your dark/cold cycles? (If you're doing 24/0 though I have no idea haha)
  19. PassTheBiff

    To spray or not to spray? (leaves)

    Me again bongsmilie Doing some research, and there seems to be 2 trains of thought regarding spraying leaves on indoor grows, 1) spraying leaves creates hotspots and burns leaves if drops are big enough, and can lead to fungus at "night" due to cold and dark = perfect mold conditions humidity...
  20. PassTheBiff

    Do you dry your weed before you roll it into joints?

    Never tried this, i'll have to get some shot glasses in, Student with no shot glasses, sacrilege anyway ;D Seems like this is the general consensus ha, gonna stop crisping my bud out haha