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  1. W

    Question about growing! :)

    What were you looking at on there? Have a link as far as lights I prefer to order online I use htg supply also check ebay and craigslist normally you can find them there
  2. W

    Question about growing! :)

    I would get hid lights but that's just my preference as they are the best as far as light spectrum that mj needs also they put off more heat...if your worried about it getting to cold that would help keep it much have you read about growing? Check out the stickys in grow room design...
  3. W

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    I'm done with you for now back off and you won't have any more problems from me I'm out of this thread no sense in beating a dead horse
  4. W

    How Do You Tell Someone God Won't Heal Them?

    Now look at the pot calling the kettle black...doc and I apparently have different far as his sincerity that was about another thread though neko you seem like you could be easily confused anyway....and that's right love my bitchy-os as you put it rene...your all a joke and make me...
  5. W

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    I'm sure we will meet again
  6. W

    How Do You Tell Someone God Won't Heal Them?

    Well I see you aren't sincere that was posted before your comment on other thread...some peoples kids can't read properly wasn't directed at you
  7. W

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    I don't take kind to being called ignorant in any way but I suppose you are right about coming off wrong though internet we shall see if you are sincere
  8. W

    How Do You Tell Someone God Won't Heal Them?

    Wow some people need to learn to read before running their cock sucker..friend of yours doc? She already said in a previous post she wasn't going to talk of her views but encourage her through words of the bible to allow the woman to retain the peace she has found in christ...naybe you should...
  9. W

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    Yes you did I don't like the way you came across...I have lived my life learning as I got not the best but great things can happen when one learns through a tougher route imo...but op welcome to riu didn't mean to mess with your post...
  10. W

    When can I transplant?

    If it just sprouted give it a day or too to be on the safe side
  11. W

    When can I transplant?

    You can I transplant them from jiffy pucks that small as I said just be very careful but you don't want those roots to start tangling in the other plants roots do it now to prevent harming the roots..also do you have anything to grow it is pretty involved
  12. W

    When can I transplant?

    Its in with a houseplant?? Get it out of there just be careful
  13. W

    How Do You Tell Someone God Won't Heal Them?

    I understand where you are coming for dr nick but I think you did miss it a bit she felt as if she wanted to but knew it wasn't the right option it appears to be phrased to get opinions while find a better way....I like the way rene chose to handle it
  14. W

    How to mix soils?

    I would say just to transplant them into your new mixture of soil asap and if told to flush (see that a lot) don't do it as its time release and that could make it worse and with the mg you may not even need nuts I used miracle grow my first grow had problems transplanted and they didn't need...
  15. W

    Potsize for flowering.

    This is true you don't always need bigger pots however you risk getting root bound growth can slow...unless you know what your doing like fdd I would suggest following the basic rule 1gal soil to every foot...and yeah awesome pic thanks for sharing
  16. W

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    Well them your friends as you call them sounds clever and yes it is true I did it not my fault if you don't have the skills nor common sense to do it I may be a new here but have been on other forums and seen those like you thought this place may be different hey dick...opps I mean doc is it...
  17. W

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    I took your words for what they are I agree knowledge is best to have however I feel its better to research the point your at don't jump to far ahead if new could forget or skip some vital info and funny I think that dunce cap belongs to you sir I am confident in my advice hence why I don't ask...
  18. W

    How to mix soils?

    Well I'm sure you could get tons of advice about watering nuts and such but what exactly are you referring to be easier to help if we know the knowledge you seek
  19. W

    Potsize for flowering.

    Lmao its a gallon of soil to every foot of growth has nothing to do with time
  20. W

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    The op doesn't need to start over get some organic soil and some nuts transplant and then start with 1/4th strength nuts work your way up.... To water stick your finger in as advised prior if its moist wait a day if its dry water simple can never have too much light but with them being stretchy...