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  1. W

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    I have to disagrre just because he doesn't know that much this far doesn't mean he won't succeed I had base knowledge when I started I grew a plant at 15 nothing but jiffy pucks water and regular 100w light bulbs so suggest he had no chance without more info is absurd cannabis is a strong plant
  2. W

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    Why would you suggest adding nuts to a soil that feed out of curiosity I am not familiar with the african violet but I understand it feeds the plant and mg is not good for new growers if you add more nuts to a time release soil wouldn't that bee too much?
  3. W

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    If you are watering 2-3x a day I would say you are over watering it for sure probably why it looks sad... Also it is very stretchy I would move the lights move one toward the base so the bottom can get more light and fill out also in addition to the fan you can give them a gentle shake at the...
  4. W

    Potsize for flowering.

    Root lock or root bound is when they run out of room basically forms a cluster of roots stunts growth
  5. W

    Best idea ever for RIU

    No your right its not asking that much at all and that is a cool idea why don't you pm a mod and ask? I would think that's the best way to give feed back
  6. W

    Best idea ever for RIU

    No your right its not asking that much at all and that is a cool idea why don't you pm a mod and ask?
  7. W

    Soil problem- Please Help

    Can you pull the bags out maybe if so you can just put whole bag in the new container and cut the bag
  8. W

    Best idea ever for RIU

    That is a cool idea the only reservations I have is the mods have a lot to deal with already riu is pretty big it seems....I think that would more than they would want to handle
  9. W

    soil might be a problem=(

    It could harm then if the n is too high as they don't like a lot of n in flower and its never to late to transplant those pots seem kinda small how big are they?
  10. W

    Soil problem- Please Help

    I prefer fox farms soil the ocean forrest has perilite in careful when you transplant when I do it I tip my pot sideways and hold it over the new container so that if there is any dirt loose it won't damage the plant
  11. W

    Can i use miracle grow?

    I wouldn't recommend mg unless you have some experience...I went into a local hydro store and got some cheap stuff that works great. It is for tomatoes but from what I have read they like very similar conditions
  12. W

    Do these buds look ready to be harvested?

    no trics don't all turn cloudy before going amber...its best to wait another week or 2 I'd say wait till half or more are cloudy then chop kinda depends on the kind of smoke you are looking for as well
  13. W

    I bought scrawny plants from the hood, how do I revive them?

    If they are 2 ft tall and beginning to flower you might as well let them they double and triple in size during flower you can put them on an 18/6 and maybe try some super cropping to fill them out
  14. W

    super crop

    Seems as if you have look amazing!
  15. W

    super crop

    that looks great how did you do it to get those results?
  16. W

    drooping leaves

    you shouldnt spray with lights on and you only need to use superthrive once a day i found out twice was too much...also pics would help..if the pots are heavy you may be over watering
  17. W

    I bought scrawny plants from the hood, how do I revive them?

    do you have any pics are they stretchy would lst be n option? maybe topping?
  18. W

    HOW you veg your clones for?

    i dont mean to jump in this thread but im new here and dont have much experience growing i want to clone but i am having trouble finding good info on it do you have anyone have tips or can point me in the right direction?