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  1. silvrsurfer77

    Any Ideas on why couple of plants leaves are canoeing upwards?

    Ok so I have some clones that I transplanted about a week or two ago, everything is doing great except for one or two plants having some minor canoeing upwards, also have one plant that is lighter green than the rest, kinda lime are some pics. This is an organic soil grow and...
  2. silvrsurfer77

    Anyone see anything like this before? Metal in weed

    Its not the grinder......its not a shitty grinder case.....very decent grinder....have used them for 12 years...usually get a new one only if i break the screen, never had a tooth break, shavings or anything.....99% sure this was altered by someone
  3. silvrsurfer77

    Anyone see anything like this before? Metal in weed

    I could get behind this idea, but some of it its so fine its like keef.....magnetic keef....unless it could be ground that fine from a trimmer?
  4. silvrsurfer77

    Anyone see anything like this before? Metal in weed

    I do use a grinder that is in perfect condition, its not from the grinder. The grinder is space grade aluminum....non magnetic metal. I can see this happening with a messed up trimmer, but it looks intentionally done.....theres way more than what you see there......ground it up and used a...
  5. silvrsurfer77

    Anyone see anything like this before? Metal in weed

    Honestly how much could someone gain with this ? a couple of grams? hope its worth his legs, because im gonna break em if i find him.
  6. silvrsurfer77

    Anyone see anything like this before? Metal in weed

    It seems to be a ferrous metal as the flakes and power are magnetic.....smoked a good half oz of this before i noticed....hopefully it wont harm me too bad.....grinding it up and getting a really strong magnet to pull it all out, still gonna vape it to be safe. Would love to get my hands on...
  7. silvrsurfer77

    Anyone see anything like this before? Metal in weed

    My sister picked up some bud for me because im waiting for my stuff to dry.....noticed metalic flakes....very fine and tiny flakes.....its this a nutrient that was used or....excess cal-mag? not too thrilled about it ANY THOUGHTS?
  8. silvrsurfer77

    Cali Connection Buddha Tahoe

    Nice finally someone backing up what they say with a pic!....cant believe the amount of butt hurt in this thread lol. Is that perlite on your top layer? help prevent gnats?
  9. silvrsurfer77

    Rare Dankness- Lee Roy

    Did you notice this strain to be nutrient and moisture sensitive ? I cant seem to get the leaves from wilting and get them praying. Custom soil blend, all my other strains love it, does hold a bit much water. Also cut clones and have them in an aero cloner with timewreck clones and the timewreck...
  10. silvrsurfer77

    HPS KILLER Grow Journal

    Heat doesnt = Temperature....the bennefit of the LED in this set up are the massive heatsinks. The heat is dissipated so quickly that the temperature is not affected the way it would be with HID. I used to run hps, then started playing with cheaper chinese leds and then MARS II leds....then I...
  11. silvrsurfer77

    Grape fruit kush 35dys

    Im not sure if you ever ran into tobacco mosaic virus on ur plants, but it sux. I would avoid putting anything that had contact with tobacco on your plants and wash your hands really good after you handle cigs or smoke before you touch the plants....happened to me one year and ruined the whole...
  12. silvrsurfer77

    REALSTYLES 6th DIY CXA 3590 5000k DB bin

    I made a little pic for you, the letters CD,DD and so on are the BIN's (groupings), The numbers next to them show how much light they put out at the temp listed. When they are running cooler they are more efficient as the chart shows. CRI is how easy it is to distinguish colors under the light...
  13. silvrsurfer77

    My First DIY LED project cxb3590

    Thanks bro, If you liked those, you will like these too, got the inspiration from you!! haha. Maybe Ill add a silver surfer sticker ;P lol.....Alteast I ddint rip off your candy apple red lol....these are carbon mist (black) metallic. I just got done building 3 of these, just have to add 100k...
  14. silvrsurfer77

    My First DIY LED project cxb3590

    All finished, Cover is painted and mounted. :)
  15. silvrsurfer77

    REALSTYLES 6th DIY CXA 3590 5000k DB bin

    Gotcha, I was just trying to think of making it a little less expensive, but I was pretty baked and wasnt thinking about the power difference lol. For my 4x4 space Im gonna use 12 cxb3590 36v on 3- hlg- 185h -c1400b on 3- 5.8x36" heatsinks...almost done building them, just gotta do covers and...
  16. silvrsurfer77

    REALSTYLES 6th DIY CXA 3590 5000k DB bin

    Ever think about using the 36v 3590's and using one driver? Just curious
  17. silvrsurfer77

    My First DIY LED project cxb3590

    Got it all fixed :) Finishing some outdoor clones up under the light because of all the rain. Strain is g13 labs-blue og, clones went outside mid july, late start, got mites mid way, all in all not too bad
  18. silvrsurfer77

    My First DIY LED project cxb3590

    I watched a few videos like this one . I tinned the holes and the wire, heated the backside of the hole and stuck the tinned wire thru, seemed to have a nice shiny joing, I did have to keep longer contact because my tip has been a pain in the tips arrive today, but im going to wait on...
  19. silvrsurfer77

    My First DIY LED project cxb3590

    Yes I am using those two pins and the dimming function will work, just flickers. I am using a 60w radio shack digital soldering station like this. I also just got 5 new 100k pots in the mail an they all measure 105-115k is that an issue ?
  20. silvrsurfer77

    Do you guys rec'd mars hydro 1600 watt led lights? sure are cheap...

    I put some outdoor plants under the light to finish up and ive never seen a plant pray that hard before even under hps....the leaves were literally turned to the nearest cob lol