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  1. Houndag

    Houndag's autoflower geriilla grow

    Here's some bud pics from today. No problems to report, on cruise control at the moment.
  2. Houndag

    Houndag's autoflower geriilla grow

    Maybe I should call this the ballsy grow lol. I'm backpacking in 3 gallons every 4 days. Twenty more gallons til harvest. Do I have the only guerrilla grow going around here? .
  3. Houndag

    Houndag's autoflower geriilla grow

    The other two are dwarfed by the big one but looking good. These two might get a little taller be this may be it. just what I wanted for this location. Comments welcome...
  4. Houndag

    Houndag's autoflower geriilla grow

    Checking in with a couple of vids. Starting to flower and filling out.
  5. Houndag

    Houndag's autoflower geriilla grow Here they are at around 85 days or so. The tallest is around 37" and the shortest 27". I'm seeing white hairs on all three and still new leaf growth. I cut out the Grow Big and watering with Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom 1/4...
  6. Houndag

    Houndag's autoflower geriilla grow

    Thanks man for checking in. I don't have any other options than this but I'm pretty confident in my spot and plan. I do miss having them close at hand in the cabinet. Any comments on whether I should stake them for support?
  7. Houndag

    Houndag's autoflower geriilla grow

    This is my 3rd grow. The 1st 2 were micro armoire grows about a year ago. I got too much flak for growing in the apartment so with no yard I'm forced into gorilla warfare. Snagged some feminized Urban Indigo seeds from Nirvana seed shop. Fast no glitch delevry as usual. Started three seeds...
  8. Houndag

    A week and a half without watering?

    I've got a central Cal. gerilla grow going. I'm a month into it and I'm watering once a week. I'm using miracle grow moisture control soil with water crystals mixed in. Aurora indigo. They look great. I think I could go at two week intervals If I wanted to push it.
  9. Houndag

    Gorilla grow light fencing question

    I have three Urban Indigos planted and discovered the direct sunlight they're getting is only about 5.5 hours a day. I think it will increase towards summer. I can't move them. It is sunny everyday tho where i'm at. Two are three weeks old and 10" and bushy. The other is 9 days younger and...
  10. Houndag

    Armoir micro grow...Short Rider under CFL's

    I'm having a hard time posting pics. Here's another.
  11. Houndag

    Armoir micro grow...Short Rider under CFL's

    Hello all~ It's 15 weeks now and one of my plants is ready to be chopped. I've watered it for the last time a few days ago. Only a few amber trichs but I don't see any new growth. The other one is a couple weeks away. It's starting to frost up somewhat. I'd say I've got at least on oz...
  12. Houndag

    CFL Light Placement

    I'd put some Y splitters at either end and try to position them down to get underneath. I tried One Gell. It replaced one stink for another in my case.
  13. Houndag

    LR #2 getting pretty tall...

    I don't think you're correct. Autoflowers will flower either 24/24 or 12/12, regardless. They don't need the darkness period to trigger it. Yield on the various cycles used is much debated tho.
  14. Houndag

    3rd CFL, 1st PC Grow.

    You might want to do a trial run now with all the lights to see where your temps are. It'll be even warmer with some plants in there. Best to find out now if you'll have heat problems.
  15. Houndag

    LR #2 getting pretty tall...

    My tap water PH is in the 9's. I add 20-25 drops of vinegar/gallon to bring it down to 6.5. I'm using FFOF and my run off water PH is usually 6.3 to 6.5.
  16. Houndag

    LR #2 getting pretty tall...

    My last grow I went with 24/24 with short rider autos. This grow, same strain but running 18/6 to save money and cut the aroma down in the middle of the day. 52 grams from the 1st two, I'll see what these two I'm growing now do. Out of wack ph is a leaf killer for sure.
  17. Houndag

    Wyogrow's 1st official grow "Bag Lady"

    I too was away for 17 days and my wife only water my plants every 7 days and my exhaust fan went out. I returned to a cab temp of 91 degrees. I lost some leaves but they both have bounced back.
  18. Houndag

    Armoir micro grow...Short Rider under CFL's

    This one is futher behind. Tric developement is only in the inner buds. Looks promising once it starts to really ripen. Short Rider is not a low odor strain. Odor is a daily struggle. If I could chuck them outside somewhere I would. I figure at least another week for the 1st plant and...
  19. Houndag

    Armoir micro grow...Short Rider under CFL's

    I haven't updated in a while. It's around day 95. I was out of town for 17 days and the plants survived but under great hardship. They were watered every 7 days and at some point my cab fan seized up and I came home to a cab temp of 91 degrees. Both plants lost their large fan leaves and...
  20. Houndag

    Armoir micro grow...Short Rider under CFL's

    Appreciate tthe good vibe man. My plans have been pushed up to 8-18 now for two weeks. I'm two months away I guesstimate to harvest. I checked out a self watering dvice at OSH. A plastic bottle with a tube out the bottom that you insert somehwere in the pot. I have to research this pronto...