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  1. Houndag

    Armoir micro grow...Short Rider under CFL's

    I don't know Killer. The first grow started out in crappy soil and I replanted in FFOF after two weeks. I don't think they ever recovered from the bad start tho the yield surprised me. I'm also using a ph meter now and staying on top of that. I think I may have been blocking some nutrients...
  2. Houndag

    No. 1 Grow Auto Blue Mystic (Nirvana) [Cabinet] {CFL}, Hydro; |Wicking|

    You seem to have new hairs growing. Loos like your buds are still growing. The trics are the indicator. I'd wait till 3/4 of the trics have a brown tint but not dark brown. I picked up one of these on ebay...
  3. Houndag

    Wyogrow's 1st official grow "Bag Lady"

    Looks like they're picing up steam now. Good job.
  4. Houndag

    Wyogrow's 1st official grow "Bag Lady"

    That one is looking a little better. You may be running a little hot. You may be a little light on the perlite, the soil looks a little heavy. Maybe a flush is in order next watering. I wish I could put mine in the sun during the day, nice.
  5. Houndag

    New weed grower

    80 or below is optimum. Over 85 could be trouble.
  6. Houndag

    Armoir micro grow...Short Rider under CFL's

    Day 41 finds my Low Riders happy and healthy. Runoff water was around 6.1 ph so I adjusted the water on last nights water to 6.8 and the runnoff was at 6.5. LST has them spreading in the right directions and I'm just tucking the big fan leaves to expose the buds. Cab around 78 degrees. I...
  7. Houndag

    Small Stealth grow box questions.

    I suggest at least two bulbs on a Y or T splitter. You'll get better light coverage and you can add more light spectrum using two different type bulbs. You might also consider running he lights 18/6 for better/faster growth and put the dark cycle from noon to 6 pm to coincide with the hottest...
  8. Houndag

    best light for pc grow?

    The hotter the cab the larger and louder the fan(s) you'll need to manage the heat. If stealth is paramount a loud fan can be a deal killer.
  9. Houndag

    Wyogrow's 1st official grow "Bag Lady"

    Sounds like you have a plan. Looking forward to some pics. Sub'd to see how it goes!
  10. Houndag

    Armoir micro grow...Short Rider under CFL's

    It's just under three weeks now. The pics just below are of the bigger one. Lots of hairs showing. It's pretty pundgent, I'm gad it's summer with the windows open. Surprisingly the cab temps are running a couple degrees cooler than the winter grow I just did. I can't figure out why...
  11. Houndag

    Armoir micro grow...Short Rider under CFL's

    All good on day 14. This plant has doubled in size the last seven days. It's working on the 4th set of leaves so I'm gonna start LST in the next few days. The bottom left is the other one. Half the size of the 1st plant. I'm smelling a very faint green goodness aroma when I open the...
  12. Houndag

    Armoir micro grow...Short Rider under CFL's

    Thx for the positive karma. I'd love to have your 30" skydome. I have 8" from the rim of the pots to the bulbs at full height.
  13. Houndag

    Armoir micro grow...Short Rider under CFL's

    Appreciate the good thoughts. I went with the short rider mostly due to it's size, or lack there of. My space is a little bigger than a storage tub. 52 gr with cfl's from the 1st two plants was better than I expected. The 2nd plant I actually didn't start flushing till around day 100. I...
  14. Houndag

    Armoir micro grow...Short Rider under CFL's

    Huh? I think you posted on the wrong thread.
  15. Houndag

    Armoir micro grow...Short Rider under CFL's

    I cracked my last two short rider seeds 8 days ago. I tried to germinate the sole seed I found on one of the 1st two plants but it was DOA. Don't think I have room for a third plant anyways. They're in FFOF again and I'm watering with distilled water but will switch to tap soon. Took a...
  16. Houndag

    My first Closet Grow on Low Budget ( 2 x Aurora Indica 2 x Short Rider Auto ) 2012

    My short riders were very strong smelling later stage flowering, particularly after watering. Ona gel just replaced one stink for another. Placing a carbon filter sheet before the out take fan and two after in the exhaust tube helped a lot but I battled skunk aroma throughout the grow.
  17. Houndag

    $100.00 dollar CFL, LED, concealed microgrow

    Looking good. You might want to add some more soil. You wasted some pot capacity by not filling them up near the top. I did the same thing. The soil will settle even more as you go, unless you plan on replanting. What kind of seeds are they?
  18. Houndag

    My first Closet Grow on Low Budget ( 2 x Aurora Indica 2 x Short Rider Auto ) 2012

    Green and beautiful! I see now there's no way to LST them, your space is filled to the max.
  19. Houndag

    My first Closet Grow on Low Budget ( 2 x Aurora Indica 2 x Short Rider Auto ) 2012

    Sounds like you cut them down early. Another two or three weeks will probably do it for the other seeds.