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  1. P

    Best ways to increae yield. Tell us your secrets!!

    Use a screen, get a light meter and use it to help you set your plant height through it.
  2. P

    It's over

    Where can I find that?
  3. P

    It's over

    Are you sure? I used to use CL and BT and never had any trouble. I've been dealing with a dispensary for awhile now though. I ask because I was thinking about going back because the constant push to my fee by the dispensary is annoying.
  4. P

    Bad bill passes committee in Michigan SB977!!!

    Out of all the stuff that went to the committee this comes out? It almost seems an attempt to do nothing without doing nothing.
  5. P

    DWC Plant Configuration - Question

    Definitely go with a recirc, everything will be consistent.
  6. P

    Pics of my room, bud porn.

    Travis, can you give me an idea of how much stretch to expect from those two?
  7. P

    Think before you caregive

    I won't take a patient that expects a bunch of free meds. They get 4oz a year and that's plenty more than I need to give them to keep them. I don't understand people who think they're going to get 2oz/month or something crazy, that's several thousand dollars a year! Also, if I thought they were...
  8. P

    Pics of my room, bud porn.

    Ismokealotofpot, yes as I mentioned in the first post it is RDWC. Every bucket is linked and they are all connected to a fill-up res mixed for the next weeks nutes. My RDWC setups are bought pre-made. The pump is whatever is included on the specs for a 8gal 12 site system. I prefer the premades...
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    Pics of my room, bud porn.

    Just PK at the moment. My last run was Jack the Ripper, good stuff. My next run will be Grape Ape and Moby Dick.
  10. P

    Pics of my room, bud porn.

    Here's some pics I just snapped. You can see the RDWC in the front, there's a soil grow behind it. There'll be identical RDWCs as I add on. Here's some pics the soil grown Purple Kush that's being flushed.
  11. P

    Bucket color dictates water temps?

    Wrapping/covering the buckets in B/W poly works great. I keep my system covered in veg but once I switch to flower I leave my epi wide open and never have algae issues. I keep my temps down at 67-68 though. Whatever you do you'll need some cooling. A chiller would obviously be great, other...
  12. P

    DWC Build Proposals: Single- or Multiple- Container?

    The single large bucket will require a lot more nutrients be mixed up and slow the rate you can change your PPM with a res feed. Multiple single buckets will require each one to have a float valve connected to a single rez to not be a huge pain in the ass.
  13. P

    Bubbleponics fail 6x now trying soil......

    I haven't followed the thread but I caught the last few posts. Keep your RO, there's no reason not to use it. Piss on that Brita, it's like using only the particulate filter of the RO. Use a PPM meter to make sure it's working right. For those that want to attempt it DWC is all about keeping...
  14. P

    Is anybody really concerned about the "proposed changes" to the MMJ law?

    Does anyone else find it hypocritical that a Rethuglican is trying to create job killing regulations?
  15. P

    Removing Fan Leaves During Flower? Are you serious?

    I trim large ones that block light from a lot of other growth, that's not very many though.
  16. P

    Vortex inline fan

    I have one, can't tell the difference between it and the cheaper ones. I haven't done any tests, there may be a difference, but the cheap ones are working fine for me.
  17. P

    Dry ice hash - What'

    Which one? I checked only Greenville, Rockford, and Muskegeon. They all removed their dry ice. The only other place I found I could get it from is Praxair but they have pellets and I'm concerned about how fast they would melt.
  18. P

    Dry ice hash - What'

    I meant that the Bubble comes out as a hard lump, perhaps chip would be a better word. The DIH powder is easily sprinkled onto whatever you're smoking, whatever you're cooking, or en-capsuled into a pill. Chips of bubble are hard, not easy to break up for baking etc, and when smoked in a chunk...
  19. P

    Dry ice hash - What'

    It's not the mess that makes dry ice superior for me, it's the time involved and the end product. DIH is so much faster to make and the powder is much more versatile than a hard lump of bubble hash.
  20. P

    Dry ice hash - What'

    Meijer just took out all the dry ice, Wal-Mart and Leppinks don't have any either. Any ideas where to find some near Greenville?