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  1. potberto

    My first closet grow - 400w HPS, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and more!

    Day 24 of flowering. At the moment trying to figure out a small prob - if you have a minute check out the THREAD please! Here's two nice bud pics.. The Frisian: And the MK: 'till next time :)
  2. potberto

    Day 22 of flowering, lots of yellow leaves.. HELP PLEASE!!

    Thanks for the help so far.. Got some cal-mag today, I'm going to give them a little of that in case it's a Magnesium deficiency which my research says it's possible.. Also tested the PH of the soil - right at 7.0 If both the N feeding and the CalMag fail to bring the leaves back to...
  3. potberto

    Day 22 of flowering, lots of yellow leaves.. HELP PLEASE!!

    No one?!! If an N deficiency was the problem, how long will it take till the leaves go back to green? This morning they still look about the same... Also, a nice pic of the main MK bud from this morning.. Day 24 of flowering. Any help is appreciated!
  4. potberto

    Day 22 of flowering, lots of yellow leaves.. HELP PLEASE!!

    Ok, this morning I flushed them with a few gallons each of fresh water, then gave them a feeding with a healthy amount of N in it.. I guess now just gotta wait and see.. If that's what the problem was - how long do you usually see it take to turn around and go green again? Thanks
  5. potberto

    Day 22 of flowering, lots of yellow leaves.. HELP PLEASE!!

    Hello - I know that some yellowing during flowering is OK, but I just wanted to be sure this isn't too excessive. This is my first grow and I've come this far - don't want to lose it!!! About the grow - Personal medical legal grow. Closet, 400w HPS, soil.. Nutes are the GH Flora series...
  6. potberto

    My first closet grow - 400w HPS, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and more!

    Garden is realllly filling in nicely!! Hoping the buds start to really bulk up soonn!!! Day 20 of flowering.. I guess I'm a little under half-way there??
  7. potberto

    Some bud pics - 17 days into flowering. Master Kush, NB, Frisian....

    What do you have growing Foolieo? They really started to puff up in the last few days.. Can't wait to see how they look in a few weeks.
  8. potberto

    Some bud pics - 17 days into flowering. Master Kush, NB, Frisian....

    Thanks for the compliments! Magnetar - if I get an OZ dry from each plant I'll be a happy panda. spliffbazz - there was no topping done on that plant - all LST from the beginning.. The bud sites are all as big as the main stem.. I have high hopes for this one!
  9. potberto

    Some bud pics - 17 days into flowering. Master Kush, NB, Frisian....

    Just some update pics on my first grow. It's a small personal medical grow and 100% legal. These plants were flipped to 12/12 on November 6th (17 days). They seem to be doing pretty good for my first shot :) They are under a 400w HPS. I only have three budding. One Nirvana Master Kush...
  10. potberto

    My first closet grow - 400w HPS, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and more!

    Small update with a couple pics.. Flowering day 11 of my personal medical grow. The Frisian Dew: The Master Kush: And the Northern Berry x Blueberry (I call it Berry Blue ) And the garden: Well within the legal limit of budding girls! Isn't life grand..
  11. potberto

    400W MH,400W HPS,Switchable ballast and hood $500

    You can get that same type of setup from HTG supply brand new for under $200. Tell your friend to go fuck himself.
  12. potberto

    Gnats!!! how do I KILL them?

    I had a big problem in the beginning... Sticky stuff works wonders... I got the fly traps and cut them up a bit, layed them all over my closet and around the rims of the pots. Also went to a local green-store and got these: They work wonderfull.. The gnats are really attracted to the yellow...
  13. potberto

    Outdoor grow battle to the finish.

    I'm no expert, but to me they definitely look like they need another couple weeks.. Good job though, lookin good!
  14. potberto

    Some legal questions please take a look.

    I can't help you too much with the legal aspects, but I have to comment on the local prices... $800-$1000 for an ounce!!! Holy shit!!! I can grab an OZ of the dankiest shit in the world for $350! I'd love to know where you live. Also, for safer browsing go to Will...
  15. potberto

    My Goofy Lady

    Waaat.. nice! I love retarded plants! Keep us updated with pics :)
  16. potberto

    My first closet grow - 400w HPS, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and more!

    Day 6 of budding.. Took some pics this morning before they all went back to sleep :) First though here's the two baby Butterscotch Hawaiian x G13 skunks. They're both 19 days since they popped soil. Do they look about on par? Couple forming buds on the Master Kush plant: Nice long...
  17. potberto

    My first closet grow - 400w HPS, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and more!

    Going on day 5 of 12/12 cycle. All are looking great. The MK is really starting to bush a bit.. The NL have some looooong pistils shooting out. Lookin good! No new pics, maybe tomorrow morning I'll grab a few. :bigjoint:
  18. potberto

    My first closet grow - 400w HPS, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and more!

    Also - I woke up this morning and beautiful Mrs. Kush is nice and green and standing tall at attention. It appears the re-pot had no ill-effects on this old lady!! Going to try to find a bigger pot today for the Frisian. Also, my Frisian clippings that I took four days ago are still bright...
  19. potberto

    My first closet grow - 400w HPS, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and more!

    That's what I figured.. It's OK though. The closet gets about 65 during lights off, and 75-80 lights on. Hopefully will bring out the dark purples with the Frisian Dew when it's budding :)
  20. potberto

    My first closet grow - 400w HPS, Master Kush, Frisian Dew, and more!

    Fuck it, repotted it. It's in a 3.5gl or so pot.. Not 100% sure on size, but definitely bigger than the 2.5 and by a good bit. I want to find one more bigger pot and do up the Frisian - I'll keep the NL in the 2.5 since it's smallish anyway. I did it quick and lowest stress possible. Cut the...