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    5 Week Old Lowryder 2 Santa Maria *17 Inches Tall*

    u should get yourself a little 100x microscope off ebay there like £6 that way you will be able to tell when they are ready.
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    Strawberry Cough Kings Kush Critical Acapulco Gold Sensi Star& Original Skunk #1 grow

    great looking plants dude, what did you yeild??
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    How many plants should i grow in a 1.2m x 1.2m x 1.8m tall grow tent.

    i have a 1.2 x.1.2 x 1.8 tall ten with 600w light i want to obv get the best yeild possibe and will be growing BBcheese and finishing the plants at about 3ft, i wont be topping the many do you think would go in comfortably.will overcrowding affect my yeild of will it possibly increase...
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    How many plants should i grow in a 1.2m x 1.2m x 1.8m tall grow tent.

    just wondering how many girls i could grow in my tent without overcrowding, also any nice/ high yeilding strains?? thanks :lol:
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    Help please yellowing leafs

    thanks for your help, i flushed my plants for 2 days and have now treated the with a similar prductto thrive alive.hopefully they will be on there way back to good health thanks nomaninsf
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    Help please yellowing leafs

    i definitly not bud weight lol they have so many shoots it will be hard to bamboo them.they are cuttings from a plant i just harvested and got 3oz off using exacly the same nutes, i dont get it.i will have to go to my local shop and try and get the nutes u mentioned or of the plants...
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    Help please yellowing leafs

    yeah my plants are flopping all over the place too, there really weak!
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    Help please yellowing leafs

    this is the colour of the upper leafs
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    Help please yellowing leafs

    hi everyone i have a load of BBcheese growing and alot of my upper leafs are turning green like the one in the picture also the tips of the leafs are browing.i was thinking nute burn but im not using that much, so maybe its not enough?? they are 4 weeks into flower and im using a 600w bulb...
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    big buddha cheese 8 cuttings

    ah ok thanks guys i'll grow them to 1.5 then flick em then cheers
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    big buddha cheese 8 cuttings

    hi everyone, i was just wondering if nanyone could help me, i have 8 cheese cuttings and have grown them to about 1ft, i was wondering if i flicked them to 12/12 how much taller would they get? i want to achieve 3-3.5 ft plants and hope 2 get 2ounces of each, is that about right?? thanks...
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    Have you been cought growing in the uk if so what were the consequences???

    hey everyone i was just wondering if anyone on here has ever been cought and if so what happend and how many plants did you have?? thanks
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    Yellowing leaves on orange bud plant 4 weeks onto flowering (first grow)

    i tried to tell him what you told me but he seemed to go off track, he told me to basicly flush my plant and then get back on with my nutes.i will go back tomo and get some grow nutes.i already have a atami organic nute kit is that not good enough if i up my dosage?
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    Yellowing leaves on orange bud plant 4 weeks onto flowering (first grow)

    i went to the shop today and he said that my plant was clogged up with nitrogen oxcide and gave me green dragon between clean to use.he said because my leaf stems were purple that they are clogged and the old nute leftovers needed to be broken down.does that sound right to you guys?
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    Yellowing leaves on orange bud plant 4 weeks onto flowering (first grow)

    ah ok, im alos giving bud bloom so makes sence.the water ph is 7 as i flushed it if i got to my local hydro shop and ask for ?? thanks for your reply!
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    Yellowing leaves on orange bud plant 4 weeks onto flowering (first grow)

    hey everyone, i have a few leaves turning yellow on my plant and was wondering if anyone knew why. i am using atami nute and following a nute guide. im using co co and recently repotted into tomatorite( a tomato plant soil) also using a 600w hps. can anyone help pleaasssee thanks
  17. B

    dutch passion blueberry

    hi! i have a DP blueberry femanised its about 3ft tall and 2-3 weeks into flowering, i grew it on 12/12 seems to be doing ok but a bit tall and u have any pics of your BB and how much did you yeild?