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  1. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Here are some pics with the lights off with the flash, thanks doog turned out great!!!! Will get some better bud pics in the next day or two when they start showin trics better, woulda had a couple for ya now but I couldn't get em to turn out. Havin problems holdin my hand still:joint: Also...
  2. MJG420

    2009 Early Start Monster Outdoor Competition

  3. MJG420

    2009 Early Start Monster Outdoor Competition

    WOW I was way off, u posted this on 4-27
  4. MJG420

    2009 Early Start Monster Outdoor Competition

    I was wondering what was goin on.....:-? Last I knew u said mandatory updates were supposed to start this week I think, too stoned to remember/go back and look:joint: LOL
  5. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Will haveta give that a try, dont think I can set the WB on my cam....dunno still haven't quite figured everything out on it yet.
  6. MJG420

    is my seed ready to be planted? pls help!

    ehhhh, I was a bit high and was thinkin one thing and typed another
  7. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    LOL, yeah i suppose...I would do so only half the damn pics i take look like shit cause of my HPS, how do u get so good of pics? I have even tried to take em out and take pics. Gettin ready to go check on em now, hopefully I will see more trics!!!!!!!!:hump: btw in case u didn't know u are...
  8. MJG420

    is my seed ready to be planted? pls help!

    I love the way plants grow in coco, they just go crazy!!!!!!!!
  9. MJG420


    np man thats what we are here for
  10. MJG420

    is my seed ready to be planted? pls help!

    Since when does coco have a ph, last time I check coco is a neutral growing medium when it comes to ph. Besides a ph of 7.0 is too high anyway, suprised ur plants are still alive. Will take on the ph of whatever you water them with, also coco is more of an advanced growing medium I think as it...
  11. MJG420

    seedling problems

    I'd take the dome off, only really need it to pop ur seeds. After they come up it can do more harm than good keepin it on.
  12. MJG420


    It can vary depending on the strain, anywhere from 7-14 days I would say after turning the lights back to 12/12. Check Out my grow
  13. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Hell yeah man, thanks for stoppin in. Doesn't seem as tho too many people are followin my grow. It is truely amazing how fast these plants change, u got on hell of a grow goin on yourself GKN.:shock:
  14. MJG420

    Doogleef plays in the dirt - Lots o pics

    About what do you get per plant? I am hopin to yeild atleast 2-3 O's per plant maybe, I do have a homemade CO2 gen in the tent with em.
  15. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Here are some pics of the BEAUTIFUL cola developing on my WB and SS, the first pics is the WB the 2nd is SS.:hump: The smell is also amazing, they are both starting to put on trics. I tried to get a pic of the trics but you can't see em yet with the cam, a few more days. I am getting so...
  16. MJG420

    Doogleef plays in the dirt - Lots o pics

    Yup was down checkin on em today, they just starting to show trics. Will try to get pics or em tomorrow, the SS although behind the WB seems to be producin trics already and faster than the WB. I guess thats the beauty of growin 2 diff strains. Check out my journal, just put pics up the other...
  17. MJG420

    Boneman's Kali Mist & Columbain Red Haze "coco coir grow"

    Damn Boneman that sux ass, I am goin to haveta buy a dehumidifier here soon or I will be faced with the same problem. RH jumps around from 20%-60%, should be ok for a little longer.
  18. MJG420

    2009 Early Start Monster Outdoor Competition

    Here are pics of my entrants for the comp, so far these are the only ones out of the 8 I took that have rooted(other than the two I am keeping inside for mothers). I have 4 left to see if they root, on I think is dead the other 3 aren't lookin so good. Will see what happens, I am goin to try...
  19. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Oh yeah the two in the clay pots are my outside gals, as well as any other clones the decide to root.
  20. MJG420

    My First Coco Grow!

    Here are pics of my girls after their transplant last night, Finally got a decent bud pic from the SS. It is starting to catch up with the EB. I have pics of the clones I took, And a pic of my White Widow clone. It has finally started growing!!!! I imagine it is going to go through some...