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    Questions about Arizona, the state

    I live in the high grasslands, south of Tucson. . You can garden year round, in the desert. Crop selection is important. I don't see a need for shading your mj...except to keep hoppers off...and you can grow some fine meds outdoors.I can't say I have grown at elevations lower than
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    Since this could help all the growers in Az

    got a couple of Q's 1] Does the state expect the 4% that have grow rights to supply the rest? 2] And how big will those grows have to be? 3] And will the fed allow such? 4] How do [or if] economics with prices and the "Uninterrupted Supply" clause play off ea other.
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    **BREEDERS BOUTIQUE -F.U.B.A.R.- 1000 Watt Soil GROW** Let the good times roll.

    Hey! A BABY!!!! well a big congrats. ..... when I catch up with yas. Both of my homebrews did really well.
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    What is the best portable herb/concentrate vaporizer on the market today?

    that is the "rub" with most [all?] portables. The pen types are primarily for oil/wax [and IF you can get an herb attachment--are "clunky" as all get out] and and the ones for herb don't work too well for concentrates.. The Pax is good for herb/hash. I have a is OK, but doesn't give a...
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    **BREEDERS BOUTIQUE -F.U.B.A.R.- 1000 Watt Soil GROW** Let the good times roll.

    Hi Hydra and all, Just stopped in to see/say hi. Hope all is well. Looks to be some form of bs going for yas...sorry to hear
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    Arizona Growers Thread

    here are a couple of shots of Crossroad...another homebrew...Pandora'sBox/DeadheadOG momma X a 1/4 Durban variation....cherry and quite good...
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    Arizona Growers Thread

    here she is before I cut.... she did alright for a small plant. 500gm from a 4.5ft plant
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    You won't be hearing say any particular technique id wrong...just, I may not do it that way. Chemical nutes do get results and those results may not the repeatable. The trick is getting your soil to give up what you need. I started with raw ground 2 seasons ago. When I say raw, I mean, never...
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    Outside is the only way to do a pure organic. You cannot duplicate all the complex interactions. I get pest..and I get a control. Never seen spider mites. I see some leafhoppers. I see whiteflies, Thrips---yes, I have them, too. You can spray them off with the hose for a control. If you get...
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    The compost heap is sorta like a septic tank. It is alive and needs care too. f I don't water mine, I do not get compost...I get straw. It is all the life in the soil, the bacterial, fungi, small animals- that convert the nutritional value into plant usable form. Keeping that going is your...
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    where did "the soil is alive" go?
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    CBD oil

    SeemsI have heard around $60/gm from Cali source.
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    Arizona Growers Thread

    a couple of macros of AZ MG, a "homebrew". not the most photogenic....but has it where it counts
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    HELP in Northern,AZ!!!

    the card is worthless. In addition to the above mention. The med are so overpriced that if I can't grow my own, it certainly won't be paying $300/oz ir more from the state store.. I say it again, this program has completely negated any benefits of legalization.
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    do you use DE..diatomatiious earth in your "mix". Silica is one of those thing you don't hear much about. Yoir outdoor...IDK. It is hard to not get results. I like Sat dom strains and 12wk is not too long for me. I have time.
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    I''l bet you find that same mark up on every bottle and bag at any "grow shop"....and the more expensive it is...the better it must be. :wall: I have heard, "If you are having trouble selling something, RAISE THE PRICE". If you are giving it away, it cannot be good and YES, I am a cynical old man
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    Hi Redbird, I'm no ace grower... but my plants averaged over 1lb. What more can I expect....and that was after the grasshoppers took their fill. What strains are you growing? are you indoors or out?
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    Vaporizer selection

    it is a versatile unit. Not crazy about "bells and whistles" and it has plenty. I know several people that have them and are quite happy... I'll still take my SSV...given a choice
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    Proud Parent Pics... AZMG Mexican X a Durban variation. A "homebrew" of mine.
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    Hi Treep, You caused me to have to think... No moncropping.I grow cilantro. It draws ladybugs like crazy.. I pretty much depend on nature to blow a remedy ito my plot. IF you can sustain a little damage. I do transplant mantids and I have hummingbird that pluck bugs. It is a whole little...