Search results

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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    My scheme has evolved to something similar to Holzer'z. Keeping a raised bed moist can be a challenge....and drip doesn't work on soil that drains as fast as container gardeners like. If you can pour water on your mix and it drains immediately, you will need to do some form of "flood"...
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    ...long time reader of OrganicGardener mag. I have sen some interesting styles... French Intensive. A 4ft deep trench backfilled with a layering of manure, straw and dirt. I have a phone call. be back later...I am enjoying this very much
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    Hi Headtreep, I understand. Let's just say I'm a knothead. the only thing that gets sprayed on my plants is water. I will say that I am aware of the insects and their "foilar [sp?] feedings" [droppings] and bird droppings. The birds eat some of the bugs. ... now..back to soil building there...
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    ..PS I am not saying anyone's technique is better. I hope we can have a exchange of ideas/info . The parameters I works within are 3700ft a cold air drainage ..We had frost the other day....and into late March 40` day/night differences are common. outdoors soil type-a little red...
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    My issue with neem is the same as I have with ANY pesticide. Destroys the natural balance....Why would you create a "living soil" and then apply pesticide? And yes I will post some pics, when I start working up my soil for next season. Coolman, You throw away your "spent" soil"? Replenish it...
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    I'm more conservative than all that. I thought you were talking about growing "green manure" [alfalfa, buckwheat etc]... I am a purist. Nothin on my meds but some dust. I garden outdoors.And neem wont stop the pests I get....grasshoppers
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    Now you are talking my language. I am so conservative that I do not use neem and had to be convinced to even try molasses in my water. My soil is still building. Not something you can do in one or two seasons. New location and only 2 seasons....Oh, I garden outside and in the dirt, not pots...
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    Since this could help all the growers in Az

    so, if the temporary injunction fails, it is status quo until the case comes before the court? My understanding of legal proceedings is not very good. Sorry if I am asking dumb Qs
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    Since this could help all the growers in Az

    I'm a little fuzzy on the "go after the ill patients"...what do you mean? Make us criminals?
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    Since this could help all the growers in Az

    let's assume the temporary injunction is granted. What will that mean that if we need to renew during the period it is in effect?
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    Stud out your male

    I have some Drizella [C99/WW X C99/Romulan] pollen ...I know. Not what you are looking for, but....
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    Since this could help all the growers in Az

    thanks for the update. I appreciate it. Money is really tight I wish I could come up to shake your hand and give moral support....I'm down in Baja Arizona
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    dispensary in tucson?

    There may be a difference in the way BP handles us, here. I am local and have to go thru the checkpoint every time I leave "town". One day, the approach was almost like "Thank you for using the Department of Homeland Security's BorderPatrol checkpoint".... They are on a BIG PR campaign down...
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    Since this could help all the growers in Az

    why the stalling and I presume it is at the defendants wishes?
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    dispensary in tucson?

    I deal with the BorderPatrol checkpoints everyday... I have not had any probs with them...mind you, I don't leave my meds in sight and go by "Don't ask. Don't tell"... They "dogged" my car and I had a vape, two loaded stems and a J. All they said, "Your rear tire is very low". ...and IF this was...
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    dispensary in tucson?

    why does the govt tax meds like alcohol?
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    High CBD

    you may have to "out source"...but there are preparations available, not in AZ, that have some impressive numbers. I'm not familiar with tinctures and how much you need daily and I didn't check your link...but am willing to help, if possible. I can only offer a small monetary donation...if that...
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    AZCS (Arizona Cannabis Society) is now open.

    that's sweet. Btyan that latest flyer from ADHS proclaims 94% of patients can no longer cultivate [legally]. You won't be getting rid of too many clones. FU very much AZ.
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    High CBD

    Hi foulmouth, If you have a particular case you are interested in providing treatment for,you could take up a collection to buy meds for this case. We did it at another site. We went together and got a patient a complete RSO treatment course...and relatively inexpensively, compared to...
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    New medical cards and Will Hubles cheap B.S scare tactics

    the statement should read exactly the opposite...especially considering the differences between our mj laws and AMMA.