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  1. smithyladhigh

    bag seed

    Not really got anywhere like that but iv got a small shed but breze gets in
  2. smithyladhigh

    bag seed

    Lol have I got any tips please ???
  3. smithyladhigh

    bag seed

    Its left out side da Its outside day and night so far as i live in the uk its summer at the min so its longer days....does it need to be pitch black ???
  4. smithyladhigh

    bag seed

    How and when would I be able too tell??
  5. smithyladhigh

    bag seed

  6. smithyladhigh

    bag seed

    Found a seed in a bag a few weeks ago so I just through it in some soil not expecting anything and now iv got this lol any idears on sex please im a smoker not a grower lol
  7. smithyladhigh

    I through a bag seen in some soil and this is the result used no nutes what have I got lol

    I through a bag seen in some soil and this is the result used no nutes what have I got lol