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  1. Lovsmokgrow

    Virgin grower need's advice on outdoor New England Sativa???? I think its a sativa ??

    May to october isnt enough time first frost usually gets us in nov.
  2. Lovsmokgrow

    Virgin grower need's advice on outdoor New England Sativa???? I think its a sativa ??

    yay so its a hybrid so that also brings harvesting time down right So how many months is it full life cycle I planted in early may lets just do the math
  3. Lovsmokgrow

    LoveSmOKEGrow Is what its all about

    Noobie Grower as well as Noobie user seems like a great place to get advice from grower 2 grower experiences. I need of some Head friends to help our 420 NATION GROW AS ONE ...........whoa got a little crazy but you catch my drift
  4. Lovsmokgrow

    Noob grower need's advice on outdoor New England Growing

    Thanks everybody for all advice very much appreciated But one more Q. what stage are they in?
  5. Lovsmokgrow

    Noob grower need's advice on outdoor New England Growing

    Thanx man but what kind of flowering nutrition's should i get thats cheap and works well
  6. Lovsmokgrow

    Noob grower need's advice on outdoor New England Growing

    This my first time growing,I think they are a sativa strain (not sure) I also believe that they are females I didn't see any balls on em. I planted my seeds in the first week of may about 2 1/2 ft, they look like they are in the early bud stage (but not sure). I just wanted some confirmation...
  7. Lovsmokgrow

    Virgin grower need's advice on outdoor New England Sativa???? I think its a sativa ??

    :leaf:This is my first time growing, I think it's a sativa? I planted my seeds in the first week of may.They are 2 1/2 ft, they look like they are in the early bud stage (but not sure). I just wanted some confirmation from experience if they are looking proper for their age, and if planted in...