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  1. arojas0709

    Making BHO With An Organza Cloth Instead Of A Coffee Filter Or Silk??

    For some reason I think that useing a filter media don't let all mythc go threw. But that just me and I might be wrong but then again my final product is always top gold.
  2. arojas0709

    Making BHO With An Organza Cloth Instead Of A Coffee Filter Or Silk??

    Hehy bro. When I make honey oil I don't use a filter I usly just grab fat nugg anduse that as a filter then I fill it up with trim and stuff its has always come out honey gold. Just be super careful. I use a 12 inch pvc tuce that is two inch thick. I easly fit one oz of trim. My bad I know it...
  3. arojas0709

    Yellowing Tahoes What To Do Too Young.

    ZCool thanks guy for responing.I am growing in ph is7.0 I use a mixture of. Grandmas marys organic compost and a half a bag of miracle gro potting soil which has nuts in but how I mixed more organic soil I don't think it use much of the nuti that come in miracle. Gro soil. I have not...
  4. arojas0709

    Yellowing Tahoes What To Do Too Young.

    Any body? Please I don't want them to die.
  5. arojas0709

    Yellowing Tahoes What To Do Too Young.

    Hey people I have a few tahoe og. They are yellowing from the two bottom leafs and looks very lite green. Seems like a lack of nitrogen. Anit they too small to start on nuts? Any advice? I been trying to post pics seem I can't do it from a phone.I don't want to kill so should I wait it out or...
  6. arojas0709

    Which To Give

    Sweet thanks for the response and the info.
  7. arojas0709

    Which To Give

    Come on somebody has to know which will do better? What if I say anybody.......
  8. arojas0709

    Which To Give

    Wud up .I have a question for u guys. I have a few one months tahoe og plant. I want to start to give nutsi but I am dead broke in cash.I found a few stuff around the question is which will b blooe fine until I get cash? Bloodmeal 13 0 0 schults plant food 10 15 10 miracle gro feed...
  9. arojas0709

    When Should I Add

    Sweet. Cool thanks guys. So pretty much don't fuck with somethinng unless needed right tip top.? Haha
  10. arojas0709

    When Should I Add

    So don't use b1? Nott good?
  11. arojas0709

    When Should I Add

    It will burn them right?
  12. arojas0709

    When Should I Add

    I don't feel like they need it but why not try it out on one or so. Just messing around with diffrent stuff. My plant look a lil tiny to me for two weeks thou.ill post some picture in a bit. What's about my potting soil I used the 6 months rele lse t?ase . I can't give any type of nutrients
  13. arojas0709

    When Should I Add

    Yo is their any body that can tell me if it would be fine to start adding vitame b1 to my two week old ladies? I fucked up and started them off in miracle gro moisture control potting soil with 6 months. Of plant food release. Will I burn my plant ?
  14. arojas0709

    is this true?

    Cool thanks peeps.
  15. arojas0709

    is this true?

    Cool thanks indactor. So if my plant turns out male from my force into 12 12 clone then I assume then plant I took it off of is male so trash it??I know its a stupid question but ill ask anyways
  16. arojas0709

    is this true?

    So over all answer is wait and stop trying to rush shit. Lol I get it I just don't want to show a lot of love and turn out to be males. That's kust gay. Hahahhah
  17. arojas0709

    is this true?

    Cool thanks peeps
  18. arojas0709

    is this true?

    Cool yea I like the idea more if I cutt a clipppin root it then 12 12. Cuase if I fuck up the one clone its ok. I just don't want to herm the whole plant if shit goes bad
  19. arojas0709

    is this true?

    Cool thanks. So gotten so what u guys are telling me to cut a clippin like if I was cloneing it and just cover up that one clone. Right or did I get something wrong. I dohave to let the clone roots before covering it right?
  20. arojas0709

    is this true?

    RickedCool thanks guys for your feed back. Ill just wait then I don't want to be on a stricked schecule