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  1. N

    wicker cloners???

    hey man, I'm in the same boat.
  2. N

    perlite wick cloner + hempy bucket = ultimate bucket or pointless waste?

    In the grand history of marijuana cultivation, I'm sure somebody had the great idea to combine these two products into a wick hempy bucket. I'm sure if you understand both concepts and thought about how they would interact, it's easy to imagine. Now that said, how about it? Brilliant, or...
  3. N

    noob question re: perlite wick cloner: cuttings falling over...

    Well, they're still not standing up, but not dead either. We'll see what the day brings.
  4. N

    noob question re: perlite wick cloner: cuttings falling over...

    interesting, so now WTF perlite's wet so wtf is going on? pics as soon as the GF gets back with the camera lol
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    noob question re: perlite wick cloner: cuttings falling over...

    Is it normal for the cuttings to fall over immediately after transplanting them in the perlite? I had a few fall over on me when I was using a bubble cloner and they picked up again, just want to make sure that's the case again here... Perlite's nice, damp, and uncompressed. No dome...
  6. N

    Critique my DWC tub + current problems, advise appreciated

    Oddly enough, the situation seems to have improved a bit. Plant is growing ahead, way less sludge and whatnot on the roots. Still not perfect, but I'm not so sure I'm keeping this around anyway until I can get a reliable way to drop water temps. All I did was a ton of h2o2 in the water, spray...
  7. N

    Critique my DWC tub + current problems, advise appreciated

    The internets says 30ml/gallon. 15ml = 1 tablespoon, so 2 tablespoons/gallon x 5 At least, that's how the math worked in my head.
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    Critique my DWC tub + current problems, advise appreciated

    Reserved space for more pictures/info/whatever i need to hit the 10 word limit
  9. N

    Critique my DWC tub + current problems, advise appreciated

    First time DWC, dabbled with growing a bit in the past, now doing it a bit more seriously. Roots were doing GREAT until about last night; I woke up this morning, the leaves were a little droopy so I was like WTF, lifted the plant and I saw all this slime and crap. So basically, the 2 questions...
  10. N

    doh! got algae in my DWC "tubs", what now?

    Thanks for the suggestion on bleach. New tubs are blue so no need to worry about light this time (i hope)
  11. N

    doh! got algae in my DWC "tubs", what now?

    Basically have 2 tubs (rubbermaid, clear shoebox ones) that are my "beta" dwc tubs. They have algae, so they are definitely moving into their new homes tomorrow. So what do I need to do now to fix the problem? I dumped a pretty decent amount of h2o2 in there (hopefully my shit doesn't die...