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  1. E

    Flowering Soon. Need Advice Before Switching

    yeah you use both because one alone doesnt ave all the nutes youll need when you go into flower you should use half strength of each than work up from there so you dont shock them also like where the hell am i said add a b1 supplement i use technaflora thrive alive b-1 red but there are meny out...
  2. E

    Nutrient Burn?

    i believe youll see it all over heres a link which shows a lot of nutrient problems with pics
  3. E

    Nutrient Burn?

    do you have pics of your problem?
  4. E

    Need help!!!

    thanks for the help... im useing vitagrow supergrow and supermicro, with technaflora magical, thrive alive b-1, and sugar daddy supplements with a ppm of 630 and ph 5.9 in veg stage
  5. E

    Flowering Soon. Need Advice Before Switching

    no not all nutes have a three part system the one i use does but yours can only have a two part. when you flower you use both the grow terra and the bloom terra and half strenght to start than progress to full strenght which is what where the hell am i was telling you and i was trying to...
  6. E

    Need help!!!

    which one droman watering? fungus? or the phosphorus?
  7. E

    What's wrong with this (5 days flowering)

    12 hours of watering thats to much, you should cut back 15 min 3 times a day should be good
  8. E

    Need help!!!

    does anyone have any ideas of whats wrong here???
  9. E

    Flowering Soon. Need Advice Before Switching

    no when you go to flower use the bloom nutes along with the veg. they usually come in a two part or three part micro grow and flower, and use a half strength mix at first than progress up to full strength. but you can also be root logged may need bigger pots for your plants..
  10. E

    Heat problem?

    you can try to increase airflow into the area, or try and get an exhaust fan for like a kitchen or bathroom with a higher cfm from a home and garden center for cheap. also look online at ebay or hydro shops for a high cfm inline fan.
  11. E

    Bug Devestation

    what chemical did you use??
  12. E

    Need help!!!

    In the last week my babbies have been doing something not good idk whats going on if its a fungus or watering or Phosphorus (P) deficiency can someone please help me thanks in are some pics...