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  1. T

    Obama the messiah

    No matter what President Obama does, the Bush administration will always be remembered as a miserable failure by all. So, since you hate President Obama so much and you want to see America to fail, why don't you just pack up your shit and leave if you don't like it here? You won't be missed.
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    Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!

    :sleep: :wall: So does god listen to what you say? Shit.. You sound like a brainwashed kid.
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    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    :spew: Wow, Limbaugh is such a piece of shit. The Bottom line is that he doesn't want weed legalized. Anyone who thinks otherwise should either stfu OR post the written transcript of his show in which he says that he thinks it should be legal.
  4. T

    Obama says police act stupidly

    Bullshit. They dropped the charges since they were false and it now looks like the cop may end up apologizing to Mr Gates after all. kiss-ass
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    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Limbaugh doesn't want weed legal dumb fuck. Have you ever listened to him? Hes a nazi. Since youtube isn't a legit source, I'm not going to bother to watch some fake ass video as proof. If you're going to try saying that Limbaugh is for legalization, you better be able to show me some real...
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    Gypsy Nirvana / SCAM!

    Consider yourself lucky, you sent money to a gypsy and actually got something. The guys a crook and has made his living ripping off growers. :dunce: Not hardly! He knows what the fuck hes doing! He may only be a wannabe distributor but he has been caught red handed sending counterfeit seeds...
  7. T

    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Limbaugh is a republicon nazi. Here are some of his arrogant and hypocritical thoughts on drug use: :finger: "Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what...
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    Obama says police act stupidly

    So what you don't like me, your girl probably would.:hump:
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    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Its funny that there are actually hypocritical war mongering die hard republicons who smoked weed. I've known a couple people like that and they were fucked up mentally from spending too much time in the military, like brainwashed sheep who don't know how to think for themselves. :spew...
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    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Listen up grandpa, conservatives, neocons, republicons, etc. are all the same. They all vote republicon. You all think the same, look the same, listen to the same propaganda, and all regurgitate the same simple minded talking points. It amazes me anyone who smokes weed can be conservative. You...
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    Obama says police act stupidly

    Sounds like he needs to go back to school and hit the books then. That cop has no business training anyone in the ways of his stupidity.. :finger:
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    Obama says police act stupidly

    If he had every right to make the arrest for disorderly conduct then why did he drop the charges? That cop was on a massive power trip and he thought he was god. He arrested Gates while he was inside his own home and he knew it. The cop acted stupidly to say the least.
  13. T

    Obama says police act stupidly

    :spew: Ohhh please. What a load of shit. You must live a very sheltered life. Why don't you turn off the hate radio and the faux news and try having an original thought of your own for once rather than regurgitating the latest republicon talking points?
  14. T

    Obama says police act stupidly

    Sounds to me like you're the racist. Are you trying to say that I'm racist against white people?:dunce: 99.5% of cops are worthless pieces of shit. I wouldn't call them for help with jack shit no matter the circumstance.
  15. T

    Marc Emery, "Prince of pot"... Busted!

    Whats that got to do with arresting the guy for selling seeds? The folks who bought seeds from him were growers not violent thugs or gangsters nor were they trying to turn the children of their communities into mindless walking zombies.:finger:
  16. T

    Marc Emery, "Prince of pot"... Busted!

    :confused: Are you serious?:spew: If so, who do you feel it is in those communities that has suffered any direct or even indirect negative impact because there were a few pot plants being grown in their area?
  17. T

    Captured soldure. message from the heart?

    Because thousands of troops died for nothing in Bush's wars they now should continue on to somehow justify the death of those troops? :dunce:How will we know when there is "victory"?
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    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Sorry but I just don't see that much difference. Don't they all get their marching orders from Limbaugh anyways?
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    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Just to clarify, when I say conservative, Im talking about republicons, as in the folks who vote and think in lockstep with the republicon talking points of the day. Far right? :confused:Do you vote repbulicon?
  20. T

    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Are you saying that Limbaugh is for decriminalization? :confused: