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  1. T

    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Nope, I don't think that's the case here. I thought conservative believed in states rights, freedom, democracy, and all that stuff?
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    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Well, right now we are talking about the med pot, not the 1,000 other things. The point is that most conservatives are anti mmj and act like nazis with their moral majority bullshit. I dont know about that... kind of like saying that California has the best herb. I've been to a few red...
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    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Yeah he is a typical arrogant politician but hes still not half as bad as the last guy who had that job. Not all democrats are down with med pot but damn near everyone who's against it happens to be a republicon. When are some conservatives going to get on board with mmj? Which red state if any...
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    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Not sure what that has to do with red states and mmj but.... the blue states tend to have the bigger cities, the larger populations, and more / better infrastructure to maintain than the average red state like Oklahoma has. Most red states aren't doing that much better financially regardless.
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    Investigator Rules Against Palin in Ethics Probe

    I'm not so sure that the polar bears are doing better now than ever.:confused: They rely on the polar icepack to survive and hunt and right now its smaller than its ever been in recorded history. Stranded bears have been spotted swimming in the middle of open ocean hundreds of miles from shore...
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    Investigator Rules Against Palin in Ethics Probe

    Speaking of ethics, I'm not surprised to see all of the charges against Palin. This is after all the woman who, as the Governor or Alaska, drew on the work of oil company funded scientists known to be skeptical about global warming to back efforts to stop polar bears from being protected as an...
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    Investigator Rules Against Palin in Ethics Probe

    At least she won't be taking advantage of her "Alaska trust fund" anymore. Its obvious that shes acted unethically on many occasions, either that or maybe she really is as dumb as she acts.
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    Captured soldure. message from the heart?

    Not everyone fell in line behind Bush and wanted to go to war after 9/11. Obama didn't ever vote for the war in Iraq. A lot of people saw through the Bush administrations smoke and mirrors from the start.
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    Obama says police act stupidly

    I doubt that. They arrested Gates while there was already proof that he was in his own home. If they were in the right then why would they drop the charge of disorderly conduct? There is and always has been a lot of racist cops. This one just got caught in the headlights of the national media.
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    Captured soldure. message from the heart?

    Obama needs to figure out how to end Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan asap. It is like another Vietnam over there with guerrilla warfare and people dying over nothing. Also, the military's funding needs to be cut big time, the waste is out of control...:spew: Way too many people have been...
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    Obama says police act stupidly

    That cop is just another racist with a badge and a gun. He saw that the black guy was in the nice part of town as he responded to a burglary call so he immediately profiled him as a criminal. The cop should be disciplined and at the very least he needs to apologize.
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    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    What is up with that?:confused: Don't any republicons know that weed can be used for medicinal purposes? Or maybe faux news and limbaugh haven't told their sheep the truth about medical herb? :leaf::peace:
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    Investigator Rules Against Palin in Ethics Probe

    Sarah Palin, the republicon corporate whore, is fucking up again. Hopefully she will be held accountable for her crimes and after a long stay in prison perhaps she'll be able to reform herself and become a productive member of society...:peace: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An...
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    Gypsy Nirvana / SCAM!

    NEVER trust a gypsy. This has been posted by DNA genetics all over the internet.:spew: SEEDBAY/ IC MAG SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE CLEVER BUT UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE THESE SEEDS LIGIT!!!!!First they "re-released" the wyd crosses??? #1 THE WYD LINE HAD STELLA BLUE AND APOLLO11 AMONG...
  15. T

    A Glenn Beck Thread

    Glen Beck is just like every other pompous and arrogant republicon windbag. And a lot of ignorant sheep are swallowing his lunch meat believing that hes no different than they are while he disappears on his private jet. :spew:kiss-ass
  16. T

    Seedboutique is the worst!!! 46 days and couting

    Gypsy Nirvana is a rip off. He will either just pocket your money or send bunk nonviable seed in which case he'll proceed to tell you that you don't know how to germinate seeds if you dare to complain. Sadly, this asshole has been making a living by scamming growers out of their hard earned...