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    How she doing? How long left? [newb]

    is that what you ment mate?
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    How she doing? How long left? [newb]

    Im in stealth mode tonight my mates our here if they knew I was growing weed they would never leave lol.... If I upload tomorrow cud u tell me? And if best case scenario how much bud could I get from a estimate if I change my lighting??
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    How she doing? How long left? [newb]

    That's confusing sorry mate im newbie at this on the bulb package it says 125w :/
  4. B

    Auto VS Reg seeds??

    Fucking hell 400g.., jezz
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    How she doing? How long left? [newb]

    Okay I'll do that asap thankyou
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    How she doing? How long left? [newb]

    So even if I take da lights away from the to and put them at the sides?
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    Has anyone grew blue cheese?

    What about auto blue cheese mate?
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    Has anyone grew blue cheese?

    I am thinking of growing blue cheese.. Can anyone tell me what it's like? AMD best place to buy the seeds? Thanks
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    How she doing? How long left? [newb]

    And I move the plant to the side to take pictures I have 2 lights and u fan you can't see
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    How she doing? How long left? [newb]

    Okay thankyou and I will be happy with what ever I get tbh.. But im growing because I can't afford tp buy it anymore so I was hopping to get a little more Dan 4grams
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    How she doing? How long left? [newb]

    And 4grams? That it? :(
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    How she doing? How long left? [newb]

    I keep My lights very close about 1-3inches away from the top of her
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    How she doing? How long left? [newb]

    Im just so unpatient maby because it's my first grow :)
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    How she doing? How long left? [newb]

    Okay guys she's a Auto BerryRyder she's 45DAYS planted today I have her under 2 125w CFL lights 24/7. .. This is my first grow.. 1)Could anyone tell me how im doing? 2)round about how long left? 3)And estimate how much I'll get Thanks for eny comments :)
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    ALL COMMENT!!! Strains/Harvest/Reviews

    Just write your strain of seed and how much bud you got... So other people can compare there harvest also rate that strain out of 10...
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    question about fan leafs [ima newb]

    Alright cheers lads the mobile app won't let me post pictures :/
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    question about fan leafs [ima newb]

    Splint? Im going to have to look up what dat is :) there not broke just not looking very good im just wondering if they are important to the plant because no bud is growing on them stems
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    question about fan leafs [ima newb]

    First off all sorry for no pics won't let me upload on the app.. cut a long story short I had to move my plant to my mates house on a emergency so I quickly got her and puy a big black bag over it and on the car journey a few stems gpt damaged and there pointing downwards and the leaves our...
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    Okay Cut a long story short i had to move my plant in a rush because i was about to get busted so i throw a blackbag over the plant and take it to my friends house now mose of the stems are bent and the leaves are all facing different directions..... Shes about 2 weeds till harvest... this my...