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  1. B

    what's the Best seed strains and why?

    My first plant was a auto BerryRyder I kinda want to do a normal seed just to see what I prefer
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    Best strains for stealth mode???

    I live with my parents and want to know best strain for stealth.. Anyone know?
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    what's the Best seed strains and why?

    I live in Ireland and im growing indoors I want a quick harvesting strain that tastes sweet :)
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    what's the Best seed strains and why?

    Im about to start my second grow what's best strains I should get?
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    Auto VS Reg seeds??

    What's the advantages and disadvantages of both types of seeds?
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    Auto Berry Ryder.. Hows she doing Day 38

    This is my first grow just wanted to know how shes doing? And has anyone else grew a Auto Berry ryder how much bud did they get im not sure how much im looking to get?...
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    how she doing?? ima newbbb first grow

    Can someone tell me how my auto berry Ryder is doing day 46!
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    How long left? How much will i get? [Newb]

    She's a Auto Berry Ryder... this is my first ever grow i am 35 days in anyone be able to Guess/estimate how long ive got left till harvest? and has anyone grew a auto berryryder before how much bid did they get? or can any experienced growers guess how much i could get frm her?... Cheers:lol:
  9. B

    is this male or female?

    These are auto Berry ryder i had 2 seeds i brought them online was told they was both female i was told that my other plant was defiently male so i threw it out but im not sure abut this one... is this male or female?????
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    what's the reasons of a Fan [Newbie]

    Cheers lads helped alot got a fan running now gunna keep it on 24/7
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    what's the reasons of a Fan [Newbie]

    If all da branches and stems is shaking is that okay?
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    what's the reasons of a Fan [Newbie]

    Alright cheers mate, need more info tho :)
  13. B

    what's the reasons of a Fan [Newbie]

    Can someone list the reasons of having a fan on a plant?... Also how fast the fan should be and how close to the plant? how long do I put the fan on the plant for? Sorry for the stupid questions
  14. B

    does more light mean more bud?

    Okay thanks man I've got 2 CFL lights about 2 inches away from the top of her.. She's 33days planted is that late to put a fan on her?... Also is it important to top her? I've never done it before im not very sure how to and im scared I'll mess up and damage her
  15. B

    does more light mean more bud?

    Okay cheers mate
  16. B

    does more light mean more bud?

    Super newb question... How fast do I put the fan on lol? Im embrassid to ask this haha
  17. B

    does more light mean more bud?

    Ohright thanks guys ima add a fan tonight when my mum's asleep lol :)
  18. B

    does more light mean more bud?

    Also is a fan necessary? Do I need one?
  19. B

    does more light mean more bud?

    The whole house???? O shit im 18 in Ireland and going super stealth mode just growing bud cause I cant aford to buy it nymore lol.. The smell makes my mouth water like crazy I nearly dribble haha
  20. B

    does more light mean more bud?

    Thanks mate.. Yeah my BerryRyder stinks I have her in a cupboard in my Room and it absolutely stinks!!' nice fruity smelll I keep the lights 1-3 inches all the time these lights are on like 14hrs on 10hrs off but the plant grows so quick im constantly moving the lights up and up... Im soon going...